January 18, 2013

News Links for January 18th

Pew survey on abortion attitudes criticized as misleading

2nd court victory for Illinois company against contraceptive-coverage mandates

Georgia Right to Life Hails 'Personhood' Milestone

Star Parker: Roe v. Wade, 40 Years Later

40 Year Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade

40 Years of Roe v. Wade Marks Four Decades of Opposition by Pro-Life's 'Godfather'

What Has 40 Years of Abortion Done to America?

Help Memorialize 55 Million Slaughtered Since Roe

Ryan Bomberger, Live Action, and Irish Pro-Life Leaders to Headline All Life is Sacred Rally in DC

Abortion Exposed -- On 2 Jumbo TVs -- At 2 Marches -- On 2 Coasts -- At the Same Time

Statement of Sandra Cano (The Former 'Mary Doe' of Doe V. Bolton) on the 40th Anniversary of 'Roe' and 'Doe'

Pro-Life Nation's New Booklet Urges a Refocusing of the Pro-Life Message

Abandoned Reveals Untold Story of the Abortion Wars: Unprecedented, Controversial Book Reveals Dynamics of Pro-Life Activism and the 40-year Injustice of Legalized Abortion

Complaint: Remodeling on Former Tiller Abortion Clinic Illegally Proceeding Without Permits

Owners of Healthcare Management Business Win Temporary Restraining Order -- Not Required to Provide Insurance Coverage for Contraception in Employer Health Insurance Plans

Caging the Human Cloning Beast

Twins Euthanized in Belgium

Euthanasia Really the Right of Kevorkians

Pro-Life Nation urges a refocusing of the pro-life message

Ben Franklin, January 17, 1706: "Of What Use is a Newborn Baby?"

Cleaning up Michigan's abortion industry

Pro-life article merely a pro-abortion tactic?

Court rules child protection laws apply to unborn babies

Miss. law on side of pro-lifers

TX deals Planned Parenthood another blow

Planned Parenthood abortion numbers rise, other services fall

Facebook abortion ads prompt call for pro-life action

Alabama Supreme Court recognizes unborn as 'children'

Irish pro-lifers rally at defining moment in abortion law

Changes to March for Life focus on engaging culture

'Religious Freedom Day' prompts renewed opposition to mandate

Generation Life spreads pro-life, chastity message among Catholic youth

Euthanasia approved for Belgian twins because of approaching blindness

US opinions unchanged on Roe v. Wade

Hobby Lobby finds short-term way to avoid fines

20,000 Russians protest ban on U.S. adoptions