With the focus of part of Planned Parenthood's school sex-ed program being on religion and sexuality, one pro-lifer says the aim is simply to use the Bible to promote an unbiblical agenda.
Planned Parenthood of Illinois works within local public schools, it says, "to ensure that students are provided with medically-accurate, age-appropriate, comprehensive sexuality education." Educational sessions cover health topics like reproductive healthcare, contraception, sexually-transmitted diseases, and religion and sexuality.
The whole purpose of the latter, according to Jim Sedlak of the American Life League (ALL), is to convince clergy, parents and students that "it's okay with God" to have intimate relations for pleasure and eliminate the pro-creation factor.
"It is really an attempt by Planned Parenthood -- much as they try to say that it's okay to have an abortion and God is okay with that -- that the Bible does not have prohibitions against having out-of-wedlock sex and that it is truly okay to do it," Sedlak says.
But as he points out, that fits within Planned Parenthood's agenda to sell contraceptive products, get children involved in intimacy, then direct youngsters to abortion when the contraception fails.
Unfortunately, clergymen are often used to sell the message "that all of these religious people who say that the Bible says you should be abstinent outside of marriage and then faithful to your partner inside of marriage are wrong, that the Bible doesn't say that at all," the pro-lifer laments. "And so they twist all of the phrases and verses in the Bible into making you believe what they want you to believe."
Sedlak goes on to note that few parents know what their children are being taught through the Planned Parenthood curriculum being used in public schools. OneNewsNow also reported recently that the federally funded abortion-provider has set up a clinic on the campus of a high school in the Los Angeles Unified School District.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow