November 5, 2010

'Stop Abortion Funding' Campaign Calls for End of Federal Funding of Abortion

Dannenfelser: "Now is the time to translate Tuesday's pro-life electoral gains into pro-life legislative victories... Congress must start by ending federal funding of abortion both here and abroad."

     Stop Abortion White House

Today, the Susan B. Anthony List announced the launch of its "Stop Abortion Funding" campaign aimed at ending all federal funding of abortion in the upcoming 112th Congress. The campaign includes a website for pro-life activists to lobby Congress (

"Now is the time to translate Tuesday's pro-life electoral gains into pro-life legislative victories," said SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. "On Tuesday, large numbers of Representatives learned the consequences of their vote for taxpayer funding of abortion in the health care bill when they were thrown out of office by the constituents they betrayed. Those Members have been replaced by authentic pro-life voices supported by a strongly pro-life GOP leadership. The GOP leadership understands the urgency of addressing the tragedy of nearly 4,000 abortions a day and has pledged to defund abortion in its 'Pledge to America.' Now is the time to make good on that Pledge to restore moral and fiscal responsibility in Washington. Congress must start by ending federal funding of abortion both here and abroad."

The SBA List's petition and outreach efforts will include mobilization of its ever-growing 280,000-member grassroots network to encourage Members to pass pro-life legislation and stop pro-abortion legislation in the 112th Congress. 

To accomplish this, the SBA List will urge Members of Congress to pass two priority pieces of pro-life legislation. The first bill is the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, sponsored by Reps. Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Dan Lipinski (D-IL), which will create a government-wide statutory prohibition on taxpayer funding of abortion, which would repeal abortion funding in Obamacare. The second bill is the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act, sponsored by Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN), which would ensure that tax dollars are not sent to abortion providers like Planned Parenthood under Title X family planning funds.

"With the majority of Americans labeling themselves pro-life and an even stronger majority agreeing that tax dollars should not fund abortion, the consensus for passage of pro-life legislation could not be stronger," Dannenfelser said. "The Stop Abortion Funding campaign will echo the message sent from the ballot box that Americans are ready to pass life-saving laws."

The Susan B. Anthony List spent $11 million during the 2010 midterm elections, including: $3.4 million on its "Votes Have Consequences" project targeting self-described "pro-life" Democrats who voted for abortion funding in the health care bill; $2.3 million on its efforts to elect pro-life women to congressional and statewide office; and $1.4 million on defeating pro-abortion incumbents and protecting pro-life leaders. SBA List members across the country bundled more than $600,000 in direct contributions to candidates. Overall, the SBA List was involved in 90 races including 61 wins, 21 losses, and 8 yet to be called. Successes included: defeating 15 of 20 "Votes Have Consequences" targets; increasing the number of pro-life women in the House by 60 percent; filling the void of pro-life women in the U.S. Senate and increasing the number of pro-life women governors from one to four. In SBA List-versus-EMILY's List head-to-head races, SBA List candidates won 91 percent of the time.

Kerry Brown
Source: Susan B. Anthony List
Publish Date: November 4, 2010