November 5, 2010

Abortionist Brigham's replacements "bottom of the barrel"

     American Women's Services (AWS) abortion chain

Operation Rescue has conducted an investigation of the American Women's Services (AWS) abortion chain operated by the notorious Steven Chase Brigham and discovered that abortionists who are working to keep AWS open during Brigham's medical license suspension have shocking backgrounds that include criminal convictions and other problems. This information has led Operation Rescue to believe that the entire ASW chain is fraught with problems and should be shut down to protect the public.

"Brighham's abortion business is a haven for the bottom of the barrel criminals and quacks masquerading as medical doctors, and that's just the unvarnished truth," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "We have reviewed hundreds of pages of disciplinary documents. Every medical misfit on the east coast that has run out of options seems to have found a welcome home in Brigham's abortion organization."

Abortionists who continue to work for Brigham include:

- An admitted sex offender and drug abuser

Two convicted drug violators

A convicted income tax cheat who once paid out $3.5 million in a malpractice suit

An abortionist convicted of billing fraud

Several abortionists that cannot get hospital privileges

Brigham was suspended in New Jersey after a botched abortion led to the discovery of his illegal late-term abortion scheme that spanned 2 states. All of Brigham's clinics in Maryland have closed, at least temporarily, but he continues to operate dangerous clinics in 3 other states.

"We have a message for the authorities in Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Virginia: For the love of God, please close these abortion clinics!" said Newman. "As relieved as we were by the suspensions and clinic closures, the authorities really need to do more and close AWS down permanently. What we discovered about Brigham's current abortion staff was worse than we had imagined."

Click here to read OR's full report with documentation links.

Publish Date: November 4, 2010