November 2, 2010

No, Mr. President, I am not "Thinking about Sitting This One Out…"

Members of the current House of Representatives when they were sworn in in January 2009. The next Congress will be much more pro-life.

I turned on my computer and went to my AOL account. There on the homepage was the face of President Obama and a link to a brief video.
"His message?" according to AOL. "It's simple. Exercise your right to change history by voting."

In the video President Obama makes the incontrovertible point that "If You're Thinking about Sitting This One Out, consider this": when you or I don't vote, "this leaves the decisions that affect your life up to someone else." Absolutely true.

What is also true is that if we don't vote, we forego the opportunity to help reverse the decisions that have cost the lives of over 54 million unborn children.

You and I would be part of those the President described last week as his "enemies" who need to be "punish[ed]," because we have stood athwart his ambitions. Attempting to stop ObamaCare and now to repeal and replace it is enough to place us outside the pale.

I consider being on that enemies list a badge of honor.

Have you thought about "sitting this one out?" I doubt it seriously, but if you have not already voted, please, please do so. And please be sure that all your pro-life friends, family, and colleagues have done so as well.
One other thought on voting, which I swear is a true story. As I approached the school where we vote, a young girl and her father walked by me.

She said to her father with a combination of impatience and curiosity, "I don't know why you have to vote." Her dad responded, "I don't have to vote," to which she said, "Why do you vote?"
This entire exchange took five seconds, and by the time she finished, dad and daughter had moved out of earshot.
What would you have said?

I would have responded, "if not me, who? If not now, when? If stopping Obama is not important enough, what could possibly qualify?"

Vote, as if the lives of million of unborn babies were on the line. They are!

Contact: Dave Andrusko

Source: NRLC
Publish Date: November 1, 2010