November 2, 2010

More support for science, pro-life statute

     Fetal Pain Billboard

Pro-lifers are pleased that a number of states are now considering adopting Nebraska's new law on abortion, and one group is providing information on how to submit model legislation to state legislatures.
The statute says that once a child is capable of feeling pain, the state has an interest in protecting that life. That means the unborn child cannot be killed by abortion.

 "It's based on the new scientific understanding of the unborn child that was not known back when Roe v. Wade came down from the United States Supreme Court," explains Mary Spaulding Balch of the National Right to Life Committee.

Since that court decision almost 40 years ago legalized abortion, scientists have been able to provide sonograms as evidence to show that children feel the pain of abortion very early in pregnancy.

 "It's an issue that we want to bring to the American public and one that we want to bring to the courts as well, because we think that the decision back in 1973 was based on very faulty science -- and the science that we have today is much more improved and more readily available to the average person on the street," Balch adds.

 She notes that interested state lawmakers can contact the National Right to Life Committee, which will provide model legislation that can be submitted to state legislatures.

Contact: Charlie Butts

Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: November 2, 2010