June 1, 2010



Futile Care Theory: Bioethicists Should Stop Pretending They Are Doing Patients a Favor

     Bioethicists Should Stop Pretending They Are Doing Patients a Favor

Allowing people to make their own informed decisions regarding the extent of end-of-life medical treatment is crucial to respecting all people as persons.  Indeed, that view was first promoted by the late great Paul Ramsey, the Christian theologian/bioethicist, in his pioneering lectures and subsequent book, The Patient as a Person.

Today, many bioethicists push to treat some patients as unpersons. One form of this assault is futile care theory–which presumes to give doctors and bioethicists the right to refuse wanted life-sustaining treatment based on their personal values–rather than those of patients and families.
Click here for the entire article.

S.C.'s Vote On Baby Abortion Regulations Could Come Next Week

     S.C. Sen. Kevin Bryant

A House lawmaker who authored a bill to extend the waiting period for abortions to 24 hours from the time of an ultrasound says he is not interested in any Senate proposals that would amount to "backing up" from gains won in recent years by pro-life legislators. House and Senate lawmakers who have stalled in working out a compromise on the bill will meet next Wednesday and be asked to vote on several new proposals, said Sen. Kevin Bryant, an Anderson Republican who chairs the conference committee.
Click here for the entire article.

Hearing to revoke license of MD late-term abortionist who OD'd and killed patient

     Gynecare Center at 877 Baltimore-Annapolis Blvd. in Severna Park
He's flown under the radar for decades, but tomorrow MD late-term abortionist Romeo Ferrer will get his day in court, so to speak.

For 3 long years the MD State Board of Physicians has allowed the 70-year-old Ferrer to continue slicing and dicing at his Gynecare Center at 877 Baltimore-Annapolis Blvd. in Severna Park after knowing a claim of malpractice had been filed against him by a dead mother's estate....
Click here for the entire article.

Pope's Prayer for June: 'Respect for Human Life from Conception to Natural Death'

     Pope, Benedict XVI

Catholics around the world have been asked by the Pope to join him in prayer for life during the month of June. Pope Benedict's general prayer intention for June is: "That every national and trans-national institution may strive to guarantee respect for human life from conception to natural death".

Pope, Benedict XVI has often requested the faithful to join him in prayer for life and family via monthly prayer intentions.
Click here for the entire article.

Sex Health Charity Opens Abortion Clinics in China

     Marie Stopes British Stamp

MARIE STOPES, the British birth-control charity, has sparked anger from women's rights campaigners by setting up a chain of abortion clinics in China, where the country's population control policies routinely pressure women into terminating their pregnancies. Marie Stopes International (MSI) has opened five outlets in China's eastern province of Jiangsu. Here the selective abortion of girls has led to a gender imbalance of up to 131 boys for every 100 girls. The closeness of MSI's relationship with the Chinese government was shown earlier this month when Li Bin, its population minister, visited the MSI offices in London and an abortion clinic in Bristol.
Click here for the entire article.

Louisiana Pro-Life Bills Move Forward
     The Louisiana Legislature

The Louisiana Legislature is taking up two pro-life bills. The Senate Health and Welfare Committee approved one measure that empowers the Department of Health and Human Services to close abortion facilities that are out of compliance with regulations.  The committee advanced another bill prohibiting plans in the federal health care network from paying for elective abortions. 

Gene Mills, executive director of the Louisiana Family Forum, said both are expected to be approved in the state House.
Click here for the entire article.