June 1, 2010

Illinois Planned Parenthood to face the music

Illinois Planned Parenthood to face the music

     Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Aurora Illinois

A Dupage County judge has denied a motion to dismiss a lawsuit against a Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Illinois.

In 2006 and 2007, plans were under way for what was originally described as a medical facility for doctors. But Peter Breen, executive director of the Thomas More Society, explains that it appears officials were trying to bring a 22,000-square-foot, $7.5-million abortion facility in under the radar.

Peter Breen (Thomas More Society)"There were several surgical rooms, a number of examination rooms, and after about a year in the development process, it was finally uncovered and laid out in the major newspapers here in Chicago that this was intended to be a mega-abortion facility for Planned Parenthood, which at the time was their largest in the country," Breen reports.

Since the city of Aurora and the Zoning Building Board of Appeals have been turning a blind eye to the abortuary's violations, he is pleased that the court will allow the case to proceed.

"We've been pursuing a suit for over two-and-a-half years now, and we've been trying to get the zoning laws of Aurora and the building code laws of the city of Aurora imposed on the Planned Parenthood....The political leaders in Aurora are friendly to the Planned Parenthood message and have ignored the cries of their citizens to have the laws equally enforced against Planned Parenthood," the executive director laments.

Several remaining procedural actions need to be addressed before the case goes to trial.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: June 1, 2010
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