May 4, 2010



Long Island Hospital Issues Abortion Apology To Nurses

Nassau University Medical Center on Long Island

A New York hospital has admitted it was wrong when it disciplined eight nurses for refusing to participate in an abortion. Nassau University Medical Center on Long Island apologized to the nurses and said they did nothing wrong. The nurses cited moral reasons for not taking part in the procedure involving a patient whose water broke prematurely on March 31.
Click here for the entire article.

Study Links Abortion and Addiction

Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Women who have had an abortion are nearly four times as likely to have problems with drugs and alcohol as women who have not, according to a study conducted by University of Manitoba researchers. The authors of the study caution though, that their research shows only that abortions and substance use disorders are linked; they have not established any causal relationship. The study did not demonstrate whether women who have abortions are more prone to develop substance abuse problems or whether women with such problems are more likely to have abortions. "These are associations only," said Natalie Mota, a PhD student in the U of M's clinical psychology department who co-authored the study along with Margaret Burnett and Jitender Sareen. "Further research needs to look at the different factors that might be playing a part."
Click here for the entire article.

Planned Parenthood Sees Increase in Profits During the Obama Administration

blood money

In the first public records marking any fiscal change since the Obama Administration began, Planned Parenthood’s most recent 990 tax forms show a significant increase in revenue during fiscal year 2009, half of which time Obama was in office. In fiscal year 2008, the nonprofit claimed revenue of $85,758,316. In fiscal year 2009, that amount increased to $106,357,796, marking an increase of over twenty million dollars. This was during the same time frame that unemployment rose as high as 9.5%.
Click here for the entire article.

Doctors At Religious Hospitals Face Ethical Conflicts Over Care

Catholic Nun at hospital

Most physicians in a recent survey said they would refer their patients elsewhere for barred services, but 4% would violate hospital policy to provide "care." . . . One in five primary care physicians working in religiously affiliated health care organizations has experienced a conflict over faith-based patient care policies, according to a new study in the Journal of General Internal Medicine. The findings, based on a nationwide survey of 446 family physicians and internists, appear to be the first to document how frequently doctors disagree with institutional policies in areas such as reproductive and end-of-life care, said Debra B. Stulberg, MD, the study's lead author.
Click here for the entire article.

Nurse Sues Hospital Over Forced Abortion Assist

Mount Sinai Hosptial Logo

A Catholic nurse was "forced?" to assist in an abortion at Mount Sinai Medical Center over her strenuous objections, a lawsuit filed Friday charges. Catherina Cenzon-DeCarlo, who works in the operating room at the Manhattan hospital, contends that her boss ordered her to assist in the May 2009 abortion of a 22-week-old fetus or face charges of "insubordination and patient abandonment." "They knew her objections on the day she was hired," said lawyer Matt Bowman of the Alliance Defense Fund, a conservative Christian organization that filed suit in Brooklyn Supreme Court on Cenzon-DeCarlo's behalf.
Click here for the entire article.

Stem Cell Research A Reality, For Now

Green Light for Stem Cell Research

The light could stay green for University of Nebraska researchers to pursue expanded embryonic stem cell research at least through the 2012 elections. Representatives of Nebraska Right to Life and other anti-abortion groups say their best chance of stopping the research appears to be electing supportive candidates to the Legislature and the NU Board of Regents. But this year's elections offer little opportunity to significantly alter the makeup of either entity. The NU Medical Center announced Friday that scientists are moving ahead with research on a newly obtained embryonic stem cell line. The push comes a year after President Obama lifted federal restrictions on such work.
Click here for the entire article.



Illinois Federation for Right to Life

2600 State Street, Ste E

Alton, IL  62002


Phone: 618.466.4122

