May 4, 2010

Kansas House Overrides Veto of Late-Term Abortion Restriction Law

Kansas House Overrides Veto of Late-Term Abortion Restriction Law

Kansas House of Representatives Chamber

Kansas House of Representatives this morning overturned Governor Mark Parkinson's veto of legislation requiring late-term abortionists to report the medical justification for performing the procedure.

The 86-35 overturn came Monday, after an initial attempt on Friday fell short of the 84-vote minimum by two votes. Parkinson had vetoed the legislation April 16.

The measure was crafted in response to the vague reporting methods that investigators say supported the decades-long business of slain late-term abortionist George Tiller. Nebraska late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart had vowed to continue Tiller's late-term abortion spree where he left off at his Wichita clinic when Tiller was fatally shot last May.

The Senate is expected to take up the decisive vote on the veto override as early as Tuesday.

"It's good news," Operation Rescue president Troy Newman told (LSN) Monday afternoon. Newman said he was not expecting that a second vote would be successful, and attributed the legislature's reversal to pressure from pro-lifers lobbying lawmakers with "a lot of phone calls."

"Clearly this is a good law: what it means is that the abortionists aren't going to be able to drive a Mack truck through the mental health exception any longer," he said. "The law will be the law, and it will be enforced as such.

"It's more of a clarification as to what the legislature's intent was all along: that women can't have late-term abortions for trivial reasons."

The pro-life leader said he was "cautiously optimistic" that the Senate would find the 27 votes needed to secure the House's veto override. The Senate had originally passed the law with 24 votes.

Contact: Kathleen Gilbert
Publish Date: May 4, 2010
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