May 27, 2010



Oklahoma Governor Vetoes Abortion Bill on Insurance

Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry
     Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry

Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry late Wednesday vetoed an abortion bill that would put strict limits on when private health insurers can cover the procedure.
The bill includes exceptions for cases of rape, incest or to prevent the death of the mother. Coverage for abortions could be obtained through a separate supplemental policy.
Click here for the entire article.

Japan Doctor Held Over Forced Abortion Says He Took Drug From Workplace

     Jikei University Hospital
Jikei University Hospital

A doctor arrested last week on suspicion of causing his pregnant girlfriend to miscarry by giving her a hormonal agent has admitted that he obtained the agent from a hospital where he worked, sources close to the investigation said Wednesday. "I took the drug that can induce labor from my workplace, Jikei University Hospital, the day before I gave it (to her)," Tatsunosuke Kobayashi, a 36-year-old doctor at the Tokyo hospital, said, according to investigative sources. "I put it in an intravenous drip pack that I took from my family's hospital." Kobayashi was arrested May 18 on suspicion of causing an abortion without consent under the Penal Code. He is suspected of having given the woman in her 30s an intravenous drip containing an oxytocic agent—a synthetic hormone that can induce labor—around early 2009, telling her it was a nutritional supplement. Several days after she notified Kobayashi of her pregnancy, he married another woman.
Click here for the entire article.

Woman Dies Undergoing Abortion

     Marie Stopes logo
     Marie Stopes Logo

A woman in Damak Municipality-15 of Jhapa district died while undergoing abortion at a local Marie Stopes Center on Sunday evening. The deceased has been identified as Durga Devi Khadka. She had gone to the health center to abort her 10-week fetus. Khadka's family members said it was sheer negligence on the part of doctors that she died while undergoing abortion of a 10-week fetus. Meanwhile, police have detained Chitra Bahadur Karki, the owner of the health center, for investigation.
Click here for the entire article.

Oklahoma Voters May Nullify Fed Health Care Law in November

     Voter in Oklahoma
     Voter in Oklahoma

Voters in Oklahoma will be given a chance in November to decide whether they want to reject the core of the recently-enacted national health care reform, which includes taxpayer-funded abortion and requires individuals to buy health insurance or pay a penalty, thanks to a legislative action that bypassed the objections of pro-abortion Democrat Gov. Brad Henry.

The state's House of Representatives approved Senate Joint Resolution 59 with a strong bipartisan majority of 88-9. SJR 59 allows citizens to vote up or down a state constitutional amendment that would prohibit "forced participation in a health care system," and allow individuals to pay directly for health services and carry private health insurance.
Click here for the entire article.

PPFA abortions could soar via 'telemed'

     Call center manager Jessica DuBois works with a telemedicine system set up at Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin.
      Telemedicine system at
     Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America may have found a way to extend its lead as the country's top abortion provider through a videoconferencing method now being used in Iowa.

Planned Parenthood has a five-year strategy to make abortion an essential service in all of its centers in the United States, an official of the organization said recently. The long-distance method it has labeled "telemedicine" could accelerate the achievement of that goal.
Click here for the entire article.