May 27, 2010

New Georgia billboard campaign, "Black & unwanted"

New Georgia billboard campaign, "Black & unwanted"

Just received word from Ryan Bomberger of The Radiance Foundation that his organization and Georgia Right to Life are cosponsoring a second wave of pro-life billboards directed toward an African-American audience, "an 'Endangered Species' Part 2, if you will," wrote Ryan.

Entitled, "Black & Unwanted," 60 of the these billboards will be up by tomorrow in Augusta, Macon, and Savannah, GA.

The billboard continue to hammer away at the eugenics/racism foundation of the abortion movement as well as emphasize the need for black adoption and its tragic racialization. Here 'tis...

     Black & Unwanted billboard by

Ryan is posting a new video entitled "Lies." this afternoon to accompany the campaign. I'll post it as soon as it's up.

According to Ryan, this 2nd campaign "continues exposing the lies of the pro-abortion factions and bring truth to a community we so dearly love."

The groups' 1st billboard campaign received an incredible amount of press. Recall that sign...

     Black Children are an Endangered Species billboard by

Jill Stanek
Publish Date: May 27, 2010
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