May 10, 2010


Experts Rebuke Pro-Abort Prof. Claim that "a Fetus is Not a Person"

Dr. Mark Mercer

A philosophy professor at Saint Mary's University (SMU) in Halifax is drawing rebuke from experts in bioethics, medicine, and philosophy for a Monday column in which he advocates abortion based on the notion that "a fetus is not a person."

If pro-abortion advocates can show that the unborn child is not a person, argues Dr. Mark Mercer in an op-ed for the Ottawa Citizen, then a woman's reason for aborting him or her "cannot be outweighed by the fetus's right to life, for, not being a person, the fetus has no such right."
Click here for the entire article.

Belgian Doctors Euthanized Disabled Patient and Harvested Her Organs

Belgian Doctors Euthanized Disabled Patient and Harvested Her Organs

I found the article about the Belgian euthanasia coupled with organ harvesting referenced in my critique yesterday of a bioethics journal article  urging that very approach.  The woman in question was not terminally ill, but in a "locked-in" state, that is, fully conscious and completely paralyzed.  She wanted to die–a desire accommodated by her doctors.  Just prior to being killed, she decided to donate her organs. From, "Organ donation after physician-assisted death," (Letter to the Editor) published in the journal Transplantation...
Click here for the entire article.

Romanian Police Investigate Teen Death Following Late-Term Abortion

Romanian Police Investigate Teen Death Following Late-Term Abortion

Police in Romania southeastern Constanta county are investigating the death of a 15-year-old who died at the local county hospital hours after she had had a late-term abortion. Preliminary autopsy results showed the girl, who died of cardio-respiratory arrest, had gone into hemorrhagic shock and had also suffered a uterine rupture. Hospital spokesman Florian Stoian said the girl's medical chart states she came to the hospital Monday around noon with massive blood loss following an incomplete abortion procedure. She underwent surgery that evening, where the doctor found her fetus was dead, and she was placed under intensive care. The teenager died four hours later.
Click here for the entire article.

A TAX On Abortion?


Editor's note: Since the State regulates abortion (e.g. ultrasounds, 24-hour waiting period, informed concent, parental notification, etc.) the State can tax the murder of children by abortion. The Abortion Regulators can call it "Herod's Tax" (Matthew 2:16). Thanks to all the baby killing regulations they've supported, the State (Herod) IS in the baby killing business.

Lawmakers anxious to avoid a general tax increase have offered several creative alternatives for raising revenue. Some say the state could sell some of its buildings and land. Others suggest going after tax cheats and Medicaid fraudsters, privatizing services, or raising the court fees for criminals. But Sen. Mary Pilcher Cook may have just offered the most unique idea so far: impose a sales tax on abortion. Pilcher Cook, a Shawnee Republican, offered the idea as an amendment today as the Senate debates a 1-cent sales tax increase. Her amendment would also decrease the proposed sales tax hike to .9 cents.
Click here for the entire article.

Miscarriage of Justice in Italy - The Prenatal Disability Death Sentence

Miscarriage of Justice in Italy - The Prenatal Disability Death Sentence 

The news story was surreal "A baby boy abandoned by doctors to die after a botched abortion was found alive nearly a day later.  The mother, pregnant for the first time, had opted for an abortion after prenatal scans suggested that her baby was disabled."  

The baby's death sentence began the moment he was diagnosed prenatally with a disability and deemed not worth welcoming into this world.  He fought his initial death sentence valiantly and was able to enter this world still breathing and his heart still beating.  This was not enough to overcome his predetermined "death sentence" and when a compassionate soul realized the "miscarriage of justice", it was too late to reverse the torturous harm and neglect that had been exacted upon this "innocent" human being.
Click here for the entire article.

Kagan is 'Stealth Candidate' with a 'Fill-in-the-Blank' Approach to Law

Solicitor General Elena Kagan

Americans United for Life (AUL) President and CEO, Dr. Charmaine Yoest, called for U.S. Senators to reject Solicitor General Elena Kagan's appointment to the high court, because "Americans do not support a radical abortion- rights activist taking a fill-in-the-blank approach to the U.S. Constitution."

Yoest made the following comments: "Today's AUL analysis shows that Kagan has contributed money to the National Partnership for Women and Families, a pro-choice organization with strong ties to Emily's List and NARAL. She is an ardent abortion supporter, even arguing the federal government is subsidizing 'anti-abortion speech' when, in Title X, the federal government is prohibited from referring women for abortion. Ironically, her free speech sentiments do not extend to critics of aggressive activism. She has referred to those who call for respect and adherence to the Constitution 'irresponsible' and asserted that their criticism was 'harmful to our constitutional system and to the value of a judiciary.
Click here for the entire article.