May 4, 2010

Just in Time for Mother's Day

Just in Time for Mother’s Day

Mother and her baby

Last Wednesday, April 28th, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi continued to use her favorite line at an Emily’s List Fundraiser, “being a woman is no longer a pre-existing condition.” In doing so, not only is she openly and directly contradicting any credibility of the President’s Executive Order, but also her own words to Leader Boehner at the healthcare summit. “I want the record to show that two statements were made that are not factual in relationship to these bills…My colleague Leader Boehner, the law of the land is that there is no public funding of abortions and there is no public funding of abortion in this bill and I don’t want our listeners or viewers to get the wrong impression from what you said.”

In addition to revealing the real story about taxpayer funding of abortion in healthcare, Speaker Pelosi is also making the unfortunate and inaccurate claim that the ability to have a tax payer funded abortion is a right and honor as a woman. I (and many others) would argue that having an abortion is the complete antithesis of what it means to be a woman.

Across the country, and perhaps at least indirectly related to the boost the abortion business will receive from the new healthcare law, tomorrow, May 4th, Planned Parenthood celebrates the grand opening of their new headquarters in Houston, Texas. The building is twice as large as their last headquarters and is proud to boast the ability to perform late term abortions on children who have developed in their mother’s womb for up to twenty-five weeks.

In the words of Peter Durkin, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood for Southeast Texas, Louisiana and the Mississippi Delta, the building’s architecture (which has been likened to a giant cash register) is most accurately described as a “giant staircase, leading upward in the prevention of unwanted and teen pregnancies.”

On Friday night, over 2000 peaceful protesters participated in a prayer vigil outside of a party in honor of the new building. The vigil was organized by Houston Coalition for Life and Life Advocates and seemed to attract the attention of Planned Parenthood party-goers.

Contact: FRC Blog
Source: Jeanne Monahan
Publish Date: May 3, 2010
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