May 28, 2010

Gallup's 2010 Values and Beliefs survey: Majority say abortion is immoral

Gallup's 2010 Values and Beliefs survey: Majority say abortion is immoral

I don't know if there's much to take from Gallup's 2010 Values and Beliefs survey except, perhaps, that 37-1/2 years after abortion was legalized and supposedly legitimized, followed by constant liberal cheers of approval, Gallup found the majority of Americans still believe it is morally wrong. And abortion remains one of the "four moral issues [that] sharply divide Americans."

But the major leap in opposition abortion took last year was apparently a blip.

     Gallup's 2010 Values and Beliefs survey except

Still, as I said about Gallup's previous abortion poll, I'd rather be us than them in this survey.

Opposition to human cloning remains high but to embryonic stem cell research not so much. If only people understood cloning is critical to escr's success, if there is to be any success. Sad that so many support physician assisted suicide. Don't get it.

     Perceived Moral Acceptability of Behaviors and Social Policies chart

No surprise, Gallup found that "political divisions [are] greatest on gay relations and abortion." I've been searching and can't find whether Gallup divided the abortion question by party in its 2008 or 2009 Values and Beliefs survey to know if these numbers are changing. But politically abortion support is getting slammed. Almost half of Democrats think it's wrong (49%!), 61% of Independents, and 74% of Republicans. I acknowledge this is not the same as asking whether it should be legal, but still.

     Precentage Viewing Matters as "Morally Acceptable," by Party ID

Contact: Jill Stanek
Publish Date: May 28, 2010
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