April 15, 2010



WHO Chief Sides With Obama Over Abortion Access and Maternal Health

World Health Organization signalled Wednesday that the United States — not Canada — was on the right track over the question of supporting access to abortion services

The head of the World Health Organization signaled Wednesday that the United States — not Canada — was on the right track over the question of supporting access to abortion services amid an international bid to improve child and maternal health. Dr. Margaret Chan tipped her hand just minutes after sitting next to International Co-operation Minister Bev Oda at a news conference at the United Nations, where the two women and other dignitaries joined UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in announcing the launch of the world body's new push to reduce maternal childbirth and pregnancy deaths. Chan described abortion as a "very complex, difficult and sensitive" issue, but went on to praise U.S. President Barack Obama for his position that women have a legal right to the procedure.
Click here for the entire article.

Wisconsin Justice Department Refuses to Release Abortion Protest Report

Wisconsin Justice Department Refuses to Release Abortion Protest Report

The Wisconsin Justice Department is refusing to release its copy of a threat assessment regarding groups participating in an abortion protest that occurred last year in Middleton. The report was compiled by US Homeland Security and shared with state DOJ and local law enforcement. Peggy Hamill with Pro-Life Wisconsin, one of the groups detailed, says they continue work for the release of the report.
Click here for the entire article.

Republican-Majority South Carolina Senate Rejects Personhood Bill by 24-18 Vote

Republican-Majority South Carolina Senate Rejects Personhood Bill by 24-18 Vote
For the first time in the 12 years since personhood legislation was first introduced in the South Carolina Senate in 1998, a vote regarding the legislation occurred on the floor of the SC Senate today, April 13. Primary sponsor, Christian pro-life Senator Lee Bright (R-Spartanburg) moved to Recall the Personhood Bill, S.450, from Senator Glenn McConnell’s (R-Charleston) Judiciary Committee, where it has been intentionally blocked by McConnell’s hand-picked Judiciary Subcommittee chairman Senator Jake Knotts (Lexington). Senator Knotts has refused to even hold a public hearing on the bill. After a period of debate on Senator Bright’s Recall motion today, an opposing motion to Table the Recall motion was proposed, which passed 24 -18, thereby killing Senator Bright’s valiant effort to Recall S.450 from McConnell’s / Knotts’ Committees.
Click here for the entire article.

Minn. Gov. Declares 'Abortion Recovery Month'; Experts Refute Bachmann's Health Reform Abortion Claims

Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R) and Secretary of State Mark Ritchie have proclaimed April "Abortion Recovery Month"

Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R) and Secretary of State Mark Ritchie have proclaimed April "Abortion Recovery Month," Politico reports. Pawlenty has made the declaration for the last two years.

The proclamation "encourages and promotes healing opportunities and raises awareness of the aftermath of abortion experienced by individuals and families," and it recognizes that "[a]bortion recovery programs help individuals heal by providing counseling, support groups, encouragement and education," according to the document.
Click here for the entire article.

UK Scientists Clone 3-Parent Embryos

UK scientists have used nuclear transfer (cloning) technology to create 3-parent human embryos–one father and two mothers.

UK scientists have used nuclear transfer (cloning) technology to create 3-parent human embryos–one father and two mothers.

Despite the standard hype about curing disease using these cloning techniques, significant ethical concerns exist. First, the technique sacrifices two embryos — the smallest, most vulnerable humans — to create a third, recombined embryo, with two mothers and one father. It is not a possible cure, but germline genetic engineering and even eugenics, in that embryo manipulation moves us further down the slope not just of selecting children, but manufacturing them.

This technology, described below, is a further step toward tampering with the very essence of humanity, and demonstrates not just a contempt for life itself – all the embryos in this experiment were destroyed for science – but a profoundly dangerous and arrogant belief that we can tamper with the genetic makeup of our fellow human beings.
Click here for the entire article.

Mother of Murdered Daughter, Unborn Grandson Calls for Renewal of Unborn Victims of Crime Bill

Mary Talbot, mother of Olivia Talbot who, along with her unborn son Lane, was murdered in 2005 by Jared Baker  

Mary Talbot, mother of Olivia Talbot who, along with her unborn son Lane, was murdered in 2005 by Jared Baker, has sent an email to supporters saying she intends to renew efforts to reintroduce the Unborn Victims of Crime Bill C-484 to Canada's Parliament.

The initiative follows a March 19 decision by the Supreme Court of Canada dismissing an appeal by Baker of his 2007 first-degree murder conviction for killing the then 19-year-old Olivia. Baker was not tried or convicted for the killing of Olivia's unborn child due to federal law, which does not consider a child in the womb a person.
Click here for the entire article.
Illinois Federation for Right to Life
2600 State Street, Suite E
Alton, IL 62002

Phone: 618-466-4122
Fax: 618-466-4134
Web: www.ifrl.org