April 15, 2010

Legislative Wake-up Call in the States

Legislative Wake-up Call in the States

Legislative Wake-up Call in the States

If you think legislation on the federal level has gone haywire, take a minute to check out what’s going on in state governments through FRC’s State Legislation Tracker. The present 38 issue “profiles” currently track 7469 bills of concern. A breakdown of the results (listed below) provides a telling glimpse into the “state of the states” and the subsequent health of our nation. That the top five profiles include domestic violence (2146), gambling (1346), divorce reform (827), and pornography (728 total, 325 dedicated to child pornography alone) should be a serious wake-up call for all Americans.

Whether or not current liberals and “progressives” approve, America’s Founders understood from historical perspective that their new government must be rooted in Judeo-Christian tenets. Nothing less resilient and enduring could contribute the ongoing stability required for individuals, families and national industry to flourish in the long term. The following contemporary indicators mandate that we re-examine those pro-family factors that precipitated America’s success, and work aggressively at the state and local level to re-introduce and re-implement them.

Numbers of bills (click here to see a drill-down on each issue):

    * Abortion – Fetal Pain – 5
    * Abortion – Parental Notification – 38
    * Abortion – Ultrasound Bills – 60
    * Abortion Alternatives – Pregnancy Care Centers -18
    * Adoption – By Traditional Family – 551
    * Adoption – By Unmarried or Same-Sex Couples – 44
    * Bathroom Bills – Gender Expression & Same-Sex Issues – 185
    * Conscience Regulations – 4
    * Cord Blood – 62
    * DADT – Military Repeal of ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ – 13
    * DOMA – Defense of Marriage Act – 2
    * Domestic Violence – 2146
    * Eminent Domain – 1340
    * ENDA – Employment Non-Discrimination Act – 3
    * Gambling – 1346
    * Hate Crimes – 27
    * Health Care – States’ Response to Obamacare – 176
    * Homeschool – 341
    * Human Cloning – 149
    * Human Eggs – 8
    * Human Trafficking – 255
    * Jessica’s Law – 5
    * Life Issues – 23
    * Marriage – Divorce Reform – 877
    * Marriage – Marriage Protection Amendments -12
    * Pornography: Child – 325
    * Pornography: General – 403
    * Public Education: Bullying Bills – General – 28
    * Public Education: Bullying Bills – Pro-Homosexual Agenda – 41
    * Public Education: Discrimination Free Zones – 1
    * Public Education: Sex Education – 7
    * Religious Liberty – 29
    * Reproductive Health – 9
    * Same-Sex Marriage – 493
    * Sexual Predators – 60
    * Statutory Rape – 69
    * Stem Cell Research – Adult – 17
    * Stem Cell Research – Embryonic – 37

Contact: Cynthia Hill
Source: FRCBlog
Publish Date: April 14, 2010
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