April 30, 2010

KFC's buckets full of breast cancer

KFC's buckets full of breast cancer

KFC bukets for the cure

Friend Steve and others notified me last week that Kentucky Fried Chicken was launching a "national 'Buckets for the Cure™' campaign, aimed at educating more women and men about breast health, generating support for the cause and attempting to make the single largest donation in the history of Susan G. Komen for the Cure," according to its press statement.

Steve emailed, "I love KFC, but I guess I can't go during this time period."

That's because Komen gives grants to Planned Parenthood, which as we all know, causes breast cancer by aborting mothers and dispensing hormonal contraceptives. Komen officials say there are certain places in the US where only PP performs breast cancer screening....

While Komen turns a deaf ear toward our logic, maybe it won't on an analogous mainstream complaint with its KFC campaign.

CNN reported yesterday:

    Can chicken breasts help beat breast cancer? KFC officials are hoping customers will flock to help the chicken chain make a record-breaking donation of $8.5 million.

    But some critics are calling foul on the company's mixed message, especially in light of the recent, heavily publicized addition of the aggressively fat-and-sodium laden Double Down sandwich [pictured above] to their menu....

    The... American Cancer Society's website warns, "Being overweight or obese increases the risk of several cancers, including cancers of the breast (among women past menopause)..."

    It is the bucket color that is troubling Barbara Brenner, executive director of Breast Cancer Action, an organization that calls itself a watchdog group seeking to compel the changes to end breast cancer.

    She tells CNN that her group believes the KFC campaign is based in "pinkwashing" - putting a pink, cancer-awareness ribbon on products that are bad for health....

    "This will keep [Komen] in business for years. They talk about a cure, but this this partnership will create more breast cancer. And Komen knows this," said Brenner on the assumed relationship between fast food, excess weight and cancer risk....

    Komen's director of communication, Andrea Rader, tells CNN the claims are "ludicrous."

    "These partnerships go a long way toward supporting education and direct care for over 1,900 communities across the country. These programs provide mammograms to women in low-income communities," Rader said....

Well, there's a familiar excuse.

I happen to agree Komen has no business partnering with KFC, whose food only increases the risk of breast cancer. Hopefully mainstream pressure on the more politically correct issue of diet will cause Komen to think twice about partnering with breast cancer enablers. Talk about ludicrous.

But another part of me is pretty sure Komen's goals aren't necessarily what it states.

Contact: Jill Stanek
Source: jillstanek.com
Publish Date: April 29, 2010
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