March 3, 2010

UPDATE and ACTION ALERT on HB6205 -- the Reproductive Health and Access Act or "Illinois FOCA"

UPDATE and ACTION ALERT on HB6205 -- the Reproductive Health and Access Act or "Illinois FOCA"

HB6205 -- the Reproductive Health and Access Act or "Illinois FOCA" is on the move in the Illinois House. Last week it was pushed forward into the Human Services Committee.

That committee will be meeting TOMORROW, so we have to call all the committee members TODAY and tell them to drop this horrible bill!

Please do your part to defeat Illinois FOCA by calling all seven members of the Human Services Committee and urging them to reject this abortion expansion bill.

Click here to get all the contact info you need AND talking points for your call

IMPORTANT: If one of the members of the Human Services Committee happens to be YOUR state rep, make sure you emphasize that when you call. Calls from constituents carry much more weight.

HB6205 would permanently established Illinois as the Abortion Capital of the Midwest. Thanks for joining the fight to keep that from happening!


Illinois Federation for Right to Life

2600 State Street, Ste E

Alton, IL  62002


Phone: 618-466-4122

