March 9, 2010



Gender Selection: In India, Abortion Of Girls On The Rise

Gender Selection

Gender selection via abortion appears to be on the rise in India – and more common among the wealthy. India's upper classes tend to have fewer children and more access to ultrasounds that reveal their babies' sex. The gender imbalance means fewer women available to be wives. . . . Indeed, across India the most skewed gender ratios tend to occur in more prosperous communities. Far from being an ancient legacy of backward, chauvinistic communities, the practice of gender selection via abortion (also known as female infanticide or female feticide) is flourishing as India's economy burgeons and the country modernizes. In the capital, New Delhi, the gender ratio is more unbalanced than the national average, with 821 females to every 1,000 males. Some of the greatest imbalances occur in the wealthy neighborhoods of south New Delhi.
Click here for the entire article from Christian Science Monitor.

Abortion Battle On Health Bill May End

Abortion in Healthcare

Prospects are good for resolving a dispute over abortion that has led some House Democrats to threaten to withhold support of Obama's health-care overhaul, a key Michigan Democrat said Monday. Rep. Bart Stupak said he expects to resume talks with House leaders this week in a quest for wording that would impose no new limits on abortion rights but also would not allow use of federal money for the procedure. "I'm more optimistic than I was a week ago," Stupak said between meetings with constituents in his northern Michigan district. "The president says he doesn't want to expand or restrict current law (on abortion). Neither do I."
Click here for the entire article from The Associated Press and The Seattle Times.

Missouri House Passes Health Care Freedom Act

Missouri State Capitol

The Missouri State House has passed House Joint Resolution 48 (HJR48). The legislation, known as the "Missouri Health Care Freedom Act" seeks to make public policy for the state that every person within the state of Missouri is and shall be free to choose or decline to choose any mode of securing health care services without penalty or threat of penalty by the federal government of the United States of America.
Click here for the entire article from the Tenth Amendment Center.

Planned Parenthood Is The Black Community's Worst Enemy

Planned Parenthood Logo

Planned Parenthood Nazis Recently, the pro-life group, Georgia Right to Life began sponsoring billboards which proclaim black children to be an "endangered species." The billboards illustrate what many of us have believed for years…Abortion on demand was begun to eliminate black babies. In April 2008, a group of black pastors held a vigil outside of a Washington D.C. Planned Parenthood clinic, they did so to protest what they characterize as a "genocide" carried out against black babies. Angered, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, of Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny said: "Every day … over 1,500 black babies are murdered inside the black woman's womb. This is a race issue." In addition to beginning a campaign to educate the public about the toll which abortion is taking on the black community, the pastors have asked Congress to audit Planned Parenthood. During Fiscal Year 2008, Planned Parenthood received a total of $300 million in government contracts and grants.
Click here for the entire article from the Examiner.

Day 20 of 40 Days: 209 Babies Saved from Abortion

40 Days for Life Banner

I just returned home from Oklahoma. Early tomorrow morning I'll be back on a plane, this time heading to California, where I'll get to visit several more 40 Days for Life campaigns.

In between flights, praying at vigils, speaking at events, long road trips, and short nights of sleep, whenever I check e-mail, my inbox is overflowing with more reports of lives saved.

I still think it's a miracle any time 40 Days for Life prayer vigil participants are blessed with the knowledge that a mother has changed her mind about aborting a child. And today, as we reach the halfway point of this campaign -- it's already happened ... 209 times that we know of! That's 102 more lives spared -- over the last week.
Click here for the entire article from

UN Reports India and China Are 'Missing' 85 Million Women

Sex-Selective Abortion
A new United Nations Development Program (UNDP) report released March 8, entitled "Power, Voice and Rights: A Turning Point for Gender Equality in Asia and the Pacific," and coinciding with International Women's Day, highlights the fact that sex-selective abortion continues to increase the gender imbalance in developing countries.

Under the heading "more women than ever are disappearing," a press release from the UNDP announcing the new report says, "The problem of 'missing girls' in which more boys are born than girls, as girl fetuses are presumably aborted, and women die from health and nutrition neglect - is actually growing. Birth gender disparity is greatest in East Asia, where 119 boys are born for every 100 girls."
Click here for the entire article from