March 8, 2010

Court Victory for Pro-Life Free Speech at Ivy League Brown University: Thomas More Society Wins Dismissal of Charges Against Pro-Life Advocate Who Challenged Rep. Patrick Kennedy's Pro-Abortion Views

Court Victory for Pro-Life Free Speech at Ivy League Brown University: Thomas More Society Wins Dismissal of Charges Against Pro-Life Advocate Who Challenged Rep. Patrick Kennedy's Pro-Abortion Views
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Attorneys from the Chicago-based Thomas More Society, on the eve of the trial, won a victory in Providence municipal court this week when the city prosecutor decided to dismiss criminal charges against Christopher Young. Young, a Catholic pro-lifer who is also a Democratic mayoral candidate, was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct after confronting Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) about his abortion views at an advertised "open forum" on health care at Brown University last November.

Thomas More Society attorneys filed a motion to dismiss the charge of disorderly conduct, arguing that Young did not act in a disorderly fashion when he pressed tough questions to Rep. Kennedy and tossed a pro-life video on the desk in front of the Congressman, who quickly took and looked at the video. The video, Maafa 21, is a recently-released documentary on the history of the abortion industry and its targeting of African-Americans.

"This represents a victory for free speech, even when the view expressed gets an inhospitable reception. In this case, it was Young's view that even a supposedly 'unwanted' infant is clothed with an inviolable dignity and endowed with an inalienable right to life," said Tom Brejcha, president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Society.

Brejcha continued, "Congressman Kennedy had opened the forum by arguing that all of us are 'children of God' who carry a 'divine spark.' Young was entirely within his rights under the First Amendment when he called Kennedy to task for supporting the mass demise of so many millions of unborn human beings -- all of whom are no less bearers of a 'divine spark' and 'children of God.'"

Brejcha concluded, "The Congressman's stubborn insistence that he remains a faithful Catholic, while advocating both for abortion on demand and the suppression of conscience rights, is nothing less than living a lie. Brown's actions also belied its claim to be a place where ideas may be freely discussed -- even the idea that human dignity is universally shared. We urge Brown to heed the message of Salman Rushdie, who lectured at Brown on the eve of Young's last scheduled court date, urging that all speakers be given the right to speak, even those whose views some find 'detestable.'"

Contact: Tom Ciesielka
Source: Thomas More Society
Publish Date: March 5, 2010
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