February 23, 2010

Gene tests contribute to abortion

Gene tests contribute to abortion

AMAs prenatal screening seems to be resulting in selective abortions, and as some of the most devastating inherited diseases are declining, one doctor fears what this logic could mean in the future.
Dr. David Stevens of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations

Dr. David Stevens of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMA) tells OneNewsNow that the capability to screen children for genetic diseases is increasing -- "but unfortunately, we don't have new treatments. So what this has turned into is a search-and-destroy mission for most parents, essentially deciding their child has a life not worthy to be lived and it should be aborted."
Stevens feels this is a tragedy, and that the evidence behind the rising abortions can be found by looking around and seeing how few children with Down syndrome are birthed into the world. That "search-and-destroy" attitude is one, he believes, needs to be changed.
"It's never been more important as we head down this slippery slope, because if we can eliminate children because they have a long-term disability, then [people will argue] why can't we eliminate them for whatever reason -- they don't have the right color of hair," the CMA doctor wonders. "We're already beginning to see that now with these new genetic capabilities. One of the most dangerous places to be in this country is in a mother's womb."
If the culture of death is not changed to a culture of life, Dr. Stevens believes the next logical step might be for children to eliminate their aging parents because of their quality of life.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: February 23, 2010
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