February 12, 2010

Feds admit they wronged pro-lifers

Feds admit they wronged pro-lifers

Pro-life Wisconsin is raising serious questions about information gathered by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) since information was inappropriately shared with the Middleton (Wisconsin) Police Department.

Peggy Hamill (Pro Life Wisconsin)

Peggy Hamill, director of Pro-Life Wisconsin, tells OneNewsNow the federal agency has acknowledged the "threat assessment."
"The Homeland Security Civil Rights Department concluded that the investigation had been an improper use of department resources and also inappropriately directed against activities protected by the First Amendment," she reports.
The agency concluded law enforcement inappropriately engaged in the collection, retention, and sharing of information on groups protesting a University of Wisconsin abortion facility.
"It definitely creates a chill to the confidence of peaceful, prayerful pro-life activists who speak out at different hearings and speak out publicly outside abortion mills and pray outside different facilities that are engaged in anti-life activities," the Pro-Life Wisconsin director notes.
The additional problem is that the federal agency destroyed their copy of the report while Middleton police kept theirs, and the latter refuses to release it. Hamill says Pro-Life Wisconsin is considering its next move with attorneys from the Alliance Defense Fund.

Charlie Butts
Publish Date: February 12, 2010
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