January 25, 2010

Viewers will choose outcome of women with unintended pregnancies in new series

Viewers will choose outcome of women with unintended pregnancies in new series

Bump the Show

A new webcast series will focus on the fictional stories of three women who face unintended pregnancies. It will allow viewers to choose how the characters' stories will end for the final episode.

Yellow Line Studio said the premiere of BUMP+ would be Friday, Jan. 22. Thirteen episodes will follow in February and March, the California Catholic Daily reports.

"From Juno and Bella to Glee and Desperate Housewives, a woman's right to choose has been explored across the media landscape," said the series' executive producer Dominic Iocco. "What makes BUMP+ different from the others is that we're letting the viewers decide how our characters' stories will end. We've opened the official website to comments and our team will craft the final episodes based on audience feedback. Their choice really is up to you."

Series co-executive producer Christopher Riley said the series was inspired by President Barack Obama's May 2009 commencement speech to graduates at Notre Dame.

"He urged people on both sides of the debate to find ways to communicate about a workable solution to the problem of unintended pregnancies," Riley explained.

He described the series as an "experiment to see if story can succeed where nearly four decades of angry rhetoric and political posturing have failed."

"We're not making a moral or political statement; hopefully, we're starting a conversation with the audience," Riley added, according to the California Catholic Daily.

Yellow Line Studio said a trailer for the pilot has attracted several comments and personal stories for viewers and it is gaining a following on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.

The San Diego-based studio describes itself as an independent entertainment company. It operates a satellite office in Los Angeles.

The website of the series is at http://www.bumptheshow.com.

Publish Date: January 24, 2010
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