January 7, 2010


(Referral to Web sites not produced by The Illinois Federation for Right to Life is for informational purposes only and does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of the sites' content.)

Antiabortion-Rights Groups Criticize Senate Health Reform Bill In Washington Times Opinion Piece

Abortion-rights groups are using "desperate measures to make sure that the government funds abortion through health care," according to a Washington Times opinion piece by 40 Days for Life National Director David Bereit, Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser, Students for Life Executive Director Kristan Hawkins and Americans United for Life President and CEO Charmaine Yoest.

The four antiabortion-rights advocates denounce abortion-rights supporters for criticizing Democrats who voted for Rep. Bart Stupak's (D-Mich.) amendment to the House health reform bill (HR 3962) and for attacking the Roman Catholic Church, which they say is "standing up for its deeply held conviction." They also accuse their opponents of misleading the public by saying that the restrictions in the Stupak amendment would limit abortion coverage in the private health insurance market.

The fight is "not over yet, far from it," and antiabortion-rights groups will continue "making noise and demanding abortion funding be taken out of health care legislation," according to the opinion piece's authors.
Click here for the full article.

Abortion Numbers Down in Israel

JERUSALEM - The Department of Health in Israel has released the latest figures on abortion in the country showing that the abortion rate has dropped 10% between 2000 and 2008. As well, the number of abortions performed during the last two months of pregnancy fell from 46 in 2007 to 34 in 2008.

The number of late term abortions in 2007 led the Department of Health to strengthen its restrictions on abortions in late pregnancy, demanding that women prove that their unborn child was at least 30% "likely" to have a physical or mental deformity if the pregnancy was allowed to go to full term, the report says.
Click here for the full article.

Pro-abort PAC EMILY's List founder and prez stepping down after 25 years

Ellen Malcolm, who founded the pro-abort PAC EMILY's List

The feminist Old Guard continues to hobble off into the pro-choice sunset (where facing death panels in old age would be quite just).

The latest to go is Ellen Malcolm, who founded the pro-abort PAC EMILY's List in 1985.

EMILY's List focuses on electing pro-abort women. It brags to having helped elect 80 congresswomen, 15 senators, 9 governors, and "hundreds" of pro-aborts at the state and local level.

Malcolm's replacement is Stephanie Schriock, an impressive choice, actually.

It's just sad that such an obvious talent is so wasted on the wrong side of history.
Click here for the full article.

Mother: Bill to Protect Pregnant Women Misses Mark

Vermont Legislature

A Vermont woman whose unborn twins were killed in a car wreck says a bill being proposed in Montpelier to protect pregnant women misses the mark. Patricia Blair of Bennington was riding in a car with her husband and two young boys when they were hit by a woman who police say was driving under the influence of drugs. Blair and her family were injured, but she was also six months pregnant with twins and they were killed. She then learned that the young woman driving the other car could not be prosecuted for causing the death of the unborn twins under Vermont law.
Click here for the full article.