January 11, 2010


(Referral to Web sites not produced by The Illinois Federation for Right to Life is for informational purposes only and does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of the sites' content.)

Making 'Personhood' Legal

Welcome to Mississippi

Mississippi may be in line to set legal precedent if a grassroots effort to define "personhood" is approved by state voters. The definition would be used by abortion foes in their fight against legalized abortion. Personhood Mississippi is aimed at amending the Mississippi constitution to define life, or "personhood," as beginning at fertilization or the "functional equivalent thereof." The group needs 90,000 certified signatures to have the proposed wording put on the 2010 statewide ballot. Les Riley of northeast Mississippi and a father of nine, started the effort about five years ago.
Click here for the full article.

Alaska Advances Abortion Notification Measure

Welcome to Alaska

We believe a law needs to be enacted that will protect the interest of parents, and also to ensure that teenage girls receive wise parental counsel and support at a time when it is most desperately needed. The group Alaskans for Parental Rights is working through the initiative process to place a parental rights measure on the ballot in the August 2010 statewide election. This measure, if enacted, will require that a parent be notified before their child has an abortion. In order to place this issue on the 2010 ballot, the initiative sponsors need to gather just under 33,000 signatures from registered voters prior to Jan. 15.
Click here for the full article.

Warning For Pregnant Women: Alcohol, Cigarettes Hurting The Unborn

Most of us know this, but here is proof for the rest.

Yolanda Ross

HOUSTON - Women who smoke or drink while pregnant might want to consider what Houston mother Yolanda Ross can tell them about her daughter. "When I saw her, I knew something was wrong," said Ross about getting her first look at her newborn. As her baby daughter grew, she showed signs of impaired mental development, commonly called Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Her doctors said it very likely could be linked to Ross’s drinking and possibly her drug use. "I was in denial because I didn’t drink every day," Ross said of how she rationalized her binge drinking.   

Click here for the video.

Click here for the full article.

China Daily: 24 Million Men Unable To Find Spouses In 2020

24 Million Men Unable To Find Spouses In 2020

Low birth rates of women in China may be to blame for some 24 million men failing to find a spouse in 2020, according to a report of the Chinese Academy of Social Science (CASS), cited by china.com.cn. More inter-generational marriages with wives being older than their husbands' families will emerge due to a large proportion of men born since the 1980s. "People's minds have changed a lot during recent twenty years. Young couples don't want to have a second child, or just live a DINK life," said Yan Hua, sociology PHD of CASS. Some people's preference of wanting a boy to continue the family line also leads to the abortion of girls in rural China, the report said.
Click here for the full article.