January 18, 2010

California Money Shifted to Adult Stem-Cell Research

California Money Shifted to Adult Stem-Cell Research
California money

The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine is taking money allocated for embryonic stem-cell research and putting it toward ethical adult stem-cell research.
The California Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative passed in 2004. However, after five years and $3 billion, embryonic stem-cell research still offers no cures or therapies.
David Prentice, senior fellow for life sciences with the Family Research Council, said life was needlessly destroyed in the process.
"The reality is: real therapies and treatments come from adult stem cells," he said.
The institute gave nearly $230 million to 14 teams in October 2009 for adult stem-cell research, according to Investors.com.
One group, from UCLA and Children's Hospital in Los Angeles, is using the money to attempt to cure patients with sickle-cell disease by using their own blood-forming cells.
Roger Greer
Source: CitizenLink
Publish Date: January 15, 2010
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