January 14, 2010

$10,000 Reward Offered to Abortion Whistleblowers

$10,000 Reward Offered to Abortion Whistleblowers

Operation Rescue launches the Abortion Whistleblower campaign, seeking information that leads to the arrest and conviction of abortionists who are breaking the law


Operation Rescue announced today that it is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of abortionists who are breaking the law.

The campaign, known as Abortion Whistleblowers, is encouraging abortion clinic workers and others to come forward and tell what they know about abortion clinic abuses.

The Abortion Whistleblowers campaign will include a series of ads on the radio and on sites like Craig's List, Facebook, Youtube, and other social networking sites. It will also include direct mailings to each abortion clinic in the nation encouraging workers to come forward.

Last year, several former employees of late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart came forward to tell media and pro-life groups of illegal activity at Carhart's Bellevue, Nebraska clinic. Three of them filed affidavits with the State Attorney General's office and the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, resulting in investigations of Carhart.

Other whistleblowers, including former clinic patients, have successfully come forward to tell of illegal acts, resulting in the following:

After years of exposure by Operation Rescue, at least nine victims of illegal abortionist Bertha Bugarin came forward. Bugarin is currently serving 6 years, 8 months for committing illegal abortions in two California counties. Three of her accomplices were also convicted. Bugarin had preyed on vulnerable women in Hispanic neighborhoods. Her chain of six abortion clinics is closed.
Employees of a business next door to a San Ysidro, CA, abortion clinic operated by Suresh Gandotra tipped off a newsman about an ambulance that had come to the clinic to transport an injured women. She later died injuries so horrific that the abortionist fled the country fearing murder charges. His dangerous abortion clinic closed.
Thirty-five women were involved in bringing 65 charges sexual abuse against Phoenix abortionist Brian Finkle. Seventy additional women came forward but were not part of the prosecution. Finkle, who was responsible for 20% of all abortions done in Arizona, is currently serving 35 years in prison for his crimes.

"We have yet to find an abortion clinic that complies with all laws," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "We are encouraging clinic workers, former abortion patients, or anyone else who has knowledge that crimes have committed been at abortion clinics to contact us immediately. Their information could literally save lives and earn them a $10,000 reward."

Click here for information about how to participate is available at www.operationrescue.org, along with a video describing the program and a flyer that has already been sent to every abortion clinic in the country.

Troy Newman, Cheryl Sullenger
Source: Operation Rescue
Publish Date: January 14, 2010
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