October 22, 2009

U.N. declaration, correctly understood, is pro-life

U.N. declaration, correctly understood, is pro-life

A pro-life organization is asking the United Nations to correctly interpret a decades-old declaration as protection for the unborn.


Austin Ruse of the Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute (C-FAM) points out that last year the U.N. celebrated its 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
"At that time, Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion groups were circulating a petition calling for abortion to be recognized as a universal human right," Ruse explains. "We launched a petition last year to counter that, to say that the Universal Declaration should be properly interpreted as protecting the unborn child from abortion. After all, the universal declaration mentions that everyone has the right to life."
That campaign generated 467,000 signatures and opened the eyes of many people when the petition was submitted at the United Nations. The new petition drive ends December 1.
"There's always a fight at the United Nations over the question of abortion and the rights to abortion and things like that," Ruse admits. "So this is a battle that we fight as an organization, day in and day out -- and we have [done so] for 12 years."
When the next battle starts, C-FAM hopes to present at least one million signatures to the U.N. secretary general. At press time, well over half-a-million had been gathered thus far.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Publish Date: October 22, 2009
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