August 26, 2009



Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

Morning-after pill is abortifacient, say experts in Nicaragua

At the "Emergency Contraceptives" symposium organized by the Nicaraguan Association for Life, various pro-life experts explained how the morning-after pill is indeed an abortifacient.
Dr. Rafael Cabrera, president of the Association for Life, said science has shown that one of the actions or effects of the pill is to block implantation of the embryo in the womb, which translates into an "abortifacient action," since human life begins at conception.
"We can say that an abortion does not occur just because one takes the pill, since sometimes it is taken when ovulation has already passed, but if it is taken one day before or six days after ovulation, there is an 80% chance it will cause an abortion," Dr. Cabrera said.
Click here for the full article.

Hm, Hillary opposes sex selection abortions?

From the New York Times, August 18:

Q: Many of the countries where the abuses against women are most prevalent are also countries that have a vital strategic importance to the United States: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, India. How can you aggressively advocate for women without jeopardizing those strategic relationships?...

Clinton: Obviously, there's work to be done in both India and China, because the infanticide rate of girl babies is still overwhelmingly high, and unfortunately with technology, parents are able to use sonograms to determine the sex of a baby, and to abort girl children simply because they'd rather have a boy. And those are deeply set attitudes. But at the governmental level, there is a great deal of openness and commitment that I am seeing....

This is problematic for hardcore pro-aborts, because Hillary is admitting preborns are distinct and separate human beings and also that some abortions are wrong.

Can't find any pro-abort blog taking note of this traitorism.
Click here for the full article.

Pro-Lifers Start Push for 'Personhood' Measure

Colorado abortion foes are launching another campaign to amend the state constitution to give legal protections to human embryos (human beings). Supporters said Tuesday they'll begin collecting signatures to get it on next year's ballot. The measure is often called a "personhood amendment" because it grants embryos (human beings) the legal status of a person. Last year, voters decided 3-to-1 against a similar measure that defined fertilized human embryos as people.
Click here for the full article.

Your Life ... think it's time to end it?

We've been focused on the gubernatorial candidate interviews (see "Illinois Review asks" HERE and HERE) but lots has been going on that we didn't want to leave off the table for discussion.  One is this disturbing booklet being discussed in blogs and discussion rooms that the Obama Administration has resumed distributing to veterans facing hospital stays and possible life-threatening conditions.  The booklet entitled "Your Life, Your Choices," is co-authored by Dr. Robert Perlman, a leading proponent of assisted suicide.  A copy of the pamphlet is available online HERE.
Click here for the full article.

A Gruesome Harvest: Aborted Fetuses and Their Organs

For years, scientists and celebrities supporting embryo-destructive stem cell research have used two arguments. First-blind to the destruction of the embryo itself-they argue embryonic stem cell research will save lives. Second, they maintain that embryos leftover from fertility treatments will otherwise be wasted. Now, one stem-cell expert is using these same arguments to promote harvesting organs from aborted fetuses. Speaking at a conference in March, Oxford University stem-cell expert Sir Richard Gardner commented that he was surprised the possibility had not been considered, and that experiments in mice have shown that fetal kidneys grow extremely quickly when transplanted to adult animals.
Click here for the full article.

FactCheck.Org Confirms Health-Care Dangers, a nonpartisan, nonprofit policy center, said President Barack Obama "goes too far when he calls the statements that government would be funding abortions 'fabrications.'"
Brooks Jackson, a director at, said even though the plan does not specifically mandate tax-payer funded abortions, Americans should not be fooled.

"Private plans, purchased with federal subsidies for low and moderate income folks," he said, "might also include coverage for all abortions."
Click here for the full article.