August 13, 2009



Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

Hospitals Must Have Clear Policies For Workers Who Object To Abortion Procedures

A lawsuit by a nurse who alleges that a hospital scheduled her to assist in an abortion procedure against her religious beliefs "raises a timely reminder of the importance for all health care providers to have clear procedures in place for such a scenario," HealthLeaders Media editor John Commins writes in an opinion piece. In the suit, Cathy Cenzon-DeCarlo alleges that Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City scheduled her to assist with the procedure despite the hospital's knowledge that she has religious objections, according to Commins. He asks, "Can a strong code of ethics and practical policies eliminate the tough moral dilemmas that health care professionals have to confront? Or, are tough moral dilemmas simply inevitable, given the life-and-death decisions that are part of the job?"
Click here for the full article.

The Way to End Abortion

We believe the answer to ending abortion in the United States is the doctrine of interposition. "Interposition is an official act on the part of a State government to question the constitutionality of a policy established by the central government." --Felix Morley, Freedom and Federalism, Liberty Fund, Inc., Indiana (1981). "Interposition: The doctrine that a state, in the exercise of its sovereignty, may reject a mandate of the federal government deemed to be unconstitutional or to exceed the powers delegated to the federal government." --Black's Law Dictionary. Fourth Edition (1951- 1967).
Click here for the full article.

Abortion Controversy Portrayed in a Controversial Way

It's a controversial issue that many in Rockford saw or even took part in Wednesday. But it's not the issue that’s raising questions, but the way it's being portrayed. The Pro-Life Action League is bringing the 'Face the Truth' tour to Rockford. “Our goal is to show the people of Rockford what abortion really is, to change their minds on abortion and hopefully to save some babies form the fate the ones here have undergone,” says Pro-Life Action League Executive Director Eric Scheidler. They're lining the streets and showing residents what abortion can look like, but those pictures are so graphic we've decided not to show them.
Click here for the full article.

Swine Flu: TV Presenter's Daughter 'Almost Died' After Taking Tamiflu

Andrew Castle, right, with co-presenter Penny Smith confronted the health secretary, Andy Burnham, over giving Tamilflu to children during the swine flu pandemic. The health secretary, Andy Burnham, today defended giving the antiviral drug Tamiflu to children for swine flu as TV presenter Andrew Castle said his daughter "almost died" after taking it. Burnham was confronted by Castle on GMTV after researchers said the antiviral drug's benefits did not outweigh its side-effects during the flu pandemic.
Click here for the full article.

Hillary Care II -- The 'No-Choice' Act

I certainly am not needed as long as we have a White House Advisor on Healthcare, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, saying it is wrong to view the "Hippocratic Oath's admonition to 'use my power to help the patient to the best of my ability and judgment' as an imperative to do everything for the patient regardless of the cost or effects on others."(1) 
So we know how they expect to pay for this plan. Long term care should be rationed like battlefield triage -- spend doc's time only with those deemed most likely to survive. But triage based on "cost" versus benefit, with all the compassion of the IRS. And don't forget to factor in the age of the patient.
Click here for the full article.

Obama on abortion: Unclear now, quite clear then

The White House unveiled its new Reality Check webpage Monday morning, attempting to realign facts in its favor about the proposed nationalized health care plan.

I noted on my blog that noticeably missing was any mention of the A-word, even though the topic has taken center stage in the national debate. Baptist Press picked up the story from there:

    There is a reason behind the White House's refusal to label abortion coverage in health care reform as a rumor. ...

    "The bills President Obama is pushing in Congress could create the biggest expansion of abortion in America since Roe v. Wade," said Douglas Johnson, the National Right to Life Committee's legislative director. …. "The president is evading questions on the issue because he does not want to draw public attention to the sweeping pro-abortion provisions that are in the bills.

    "Both Senate and House bills would, for example, create a nationwide federal insurance plan, the 'public option,' that would pay for all abortions," Johnson said. "Also, both bills would create a huge new program that would subsidize private plans that cover elective abortion.

    "Unfortunately, much of the institutional news media is helping Obama hide these provisions," he said, "by disseminating unsophisticated and often flatly inaccurate descriptions of what the bills contain."
Click here for the full article.