August 10, 2009



Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

Democrat Congressman Yells At Constituent Who Ask About Health Care

It is amazing how our betters in Congress hate being petitioned by their constituents about a health care bill that could ruin our medical system. And Speaker Pelosi calls people like the doctor in this story who dared to ask his Congressman a question, “Un American.” No, unbelievable.
Click here for the full video.

Recession Means Fewer Babies; US Births Fell 2 Percent

There aren't just fewer jobs in a recession. There are fewer babies, too.
U.S. births fell in 2008, the first full year of the recession, marking the first annual decline in births since the start of the decade and ending an American baby boomlet.
The downturn in the economy best explains the drop in maternity, some experts believe. The Great Depression and subsequent recessions all were accompanied by a decline in births, said Carol Hogue, an Emory University professor of maternal and child health and epidemiology.
And the numbers have never rebounded until the economy pulled out of it, she said, calling the 2008 recession the most likely culprit for fewer babies.
Click here for the full article.

Mexicans debate legal reform to protect State of Queretaro from abortion

Beginning on Monday, August 10, some 50 organizations will participate in the first public debate in the Mexican state of Queretaro on the prohibition of abortion, possibly resulting in a reform of the state constitution.

Among those expected to participate are the Knights of Columbus, the Association of Catholic Psychologists, as well as other pro-life groups.

The president of state legislature’s Constitutional Committee, Marco Antonio Leon Hernandez, said it was important for citizens to be allowed to voice their opinion on an issue as delicate as abortion.
Click here for the full article.

Mandated abortion coverage threatens health care reform, U.S. bishops’ official says

Tom Grenchik, director of the U.S. bishops’ Pro-Life Secretariat, has said that mandated abortion health care coverage and funding is “a line we can never cross,” charging that some U.S. leaders are threatening health care reform by forcing Americans to accept such mandates in proposed reform bills.

Writing in a Friday column on the U.S. bishops’ web site, Grenchik said that health care proposals need to be examined during the congressional recess to see how well they provide affordable quality health care and how they impact immigrants and the poor.

“But one thing is certain,” he emphasized. “The bills approved so far by House and Senate committees include mandated abortion coverage and abortion funding, and that is a line we can never cross.”
Click here for the full article.

Sotomayor Sworn In

Sonia Sotomayor was sworn in Saturday morning as the first Hispanic justice on the Supreme Court in a brief ceremony that completed a remarkable ascent for a Puerto Rican girl from the South Bronx. Sotomayor, 55, rested her left hand on a Bible held by her mother and raised her right hand as Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. administered a pair of oaths that made her the 111th justice to serve on the nation's highest court. The chief justice, who had slightly flubbed the wording of the oath of office when he swore in President Obama in January, held a piece of paper containing the oath for Sotomayor. Occasionally Roberts looked down as he recited the words.
Click here for the full article.

Children To Be Given Untested Swine Flu Vaccine

The swine flu vaccine which will be offered to 12 million children in the UK may not have been tested on infants by the time the first batches arrive. Pharmaceutical companies manufacturing the jabs do not have any paediatric safety data for the drugs, which could be distributed to children in the autumn. The first consignment of the vaccine is due to arrive at the end of this month but drugs firms have only just begun trials on adults. Trials on children may not start for a few weeks.
Click here for the full article.

Teaching U.S. Kids the Pro-Abort U.N. Way

It's horrible enough to think of the way school children have been deliberately and unnecessarily frightened by the teaching in American schools about "global warming." Since the 1980s it has been part of the curriculum in schools throughout the nation, convincing a lot of children that the Earth was doomed. It was difficult enough to grow up as I did knowing that the Soviet Union could annihilate most of the population with nuclear missiles or that their brand of communism could destroy the liberties Americans take for granted.
Click here for the full article.