July 1, 2009

Update: Healthcare Forum

Last night's healthcare forum hosted by 3rd Congressional District Representative Dan Lipinski was attended by a number of pro-life individuals.  Representative Lipinski expressed a clear and strong commitment to fight to retain Hyde language barring the use of any federal funds for abortion in any national healthcare plan. 
He did not address whether or not he would ultimately withhold support from any plan that did not include the Hyde prohibitions.
In a brief conversation after the public program when I thanked Representative Lipinski for his support for pro-life positions on both abortion and life-destructive stem cell research he said he intends to continue to address both as matters of principle although he does expect to be attacked more aggressively than here-to-fore on these stands because of the combined pro-death positions of city hall and the locally rooted federal administration.  The congressman's legislative director also expressed Rep. Lipinski's committment to these positions and the expectation that the position will be attacked as well.  Although this was not pursued in the public meeting at all neither Rep. Lipinski nor his legislative director professed awareness of the "Dear Colleague" letter to Speaker Pelosi signed by 19 pro-life Democrats last week. 
Clearly Rep. Lipinski needs the continued support and encouragement of pro-lifers -- along with our thanks -- for his principled stands on both abortion and life-destructive stem cell research.  For those who may not know Rep. Lipinski suffers from juvenile diabetes and has used his own health status to buttress the importance of opposition to federal involvement in life-destructive stem cell research.