July 24, 2009

Obama Committed to Women's Health in Health Care Reform: White House Staffer to Planned Parenthood

Obama Committed to Women's Health in Health Care Reform: White House Staffer to Planned Parenthood

Tina Tchen, director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, welcomed Planned Parenthood staff and supporters from across the country in the opening session of the Planned Parenthood 2009 Organizing and Policy Summit last week.

Tchen spoke to attendees on the current push by the Obama administration for health care reform and reiterated the administration's commitment to "women's health," according to a Planned Parenthood press release.

"I can say this directly from the White House, the president reiterated to all of us in the senior staff that health care is the most important issue," said Tchen. "It is the signature issue that he ran on; it is what he believes is one of the singularly most important reforms that need to be made that affects America, that affects our economy."

Tchen also assured attendees at the Planned Parenthood event that Obama is a pro-choice president, according to RH Reality Check.

Tchen's remarks appear to echo those made by Obama in a previous appearance at a Planned Parenthood event, in 2007, when he explained that abortion was "at the center, the heart of" his idea of healthcare overhaul. During that appearance Obama had also famously stated his intention to sign FOCA as the first act of his presidency.

However, while pro-abortion efforts to pass FOCA appear to have been put on the back-burner for the time being, pro-life leaders have issued a clarion call to action to counter Obama's healthcare reform, in which the President appears to be making good on his promise to include abortion.

Pro-life leaders have called Obama's healthcare plan "FOCA by stealth," arguing that the bill, without significant alterations, will ultimately lead to many of the same effects as FOCA would - especially the removal of many state-passed restrictions on abortion, and the eradication of basic health-care worker conscience rights.

A massive webcast is scheduled for tonight, at which dozens of the pro-life world's most prestigious voices will discuss the Obama plan. So far over 25,000 participants are expected for the free Stop the Abortion Mandate web event.

Also speaking at the Planned Parenthood Summit was PP President Cecile Richards. "This gathering couldn't come at a more critical time," said Richards. "Health care reform is moving full steam ahead, and policymakers in Washington need to know the importance of including women's health care as part of a reform package. We are grateful that Tina Tchen and Rep. Schakowsky took time away from their busy schedules to update us on health care reform and take our message back with them to their colleagues."

According to the PP release, during the three-day summit participants worked to ensure that "women's health" is a priority in health care reform and that any health care reform should include access to "comprehensive reproductive health care."

More than 400 Planned Parenthood representatives were in attendance, including Planned Parenthood affiliate CEOs, staff, supporters, and 200-plus Planned Parenthood teen educators and college students.

Contact: John Jalsevac
Source: LifeSiteNews.com
Publish Date: July 23, 2009
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