July 29, 2009



New U.N. Treaty Targets the Disabled Unborn

Obama's much-anticipated pro-United Nations treaty campaign has been launched with a White House ceremony declaring support for the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. But despite the title and language of the treaty, including the affirmation of a "right to life," it is doubtful whether the treaty would protect the rights of unborn children with disabilities, such as those with Down syndrome.
Click here for the full article.

Obama's Stance On Abortion Unacceptable Says Black Pro-Lifer

Pastor Stephen Broder of the Black Pro-Life Movement, says it is unacceptable that President Obama has supported "an [abortion] institution that has targeted [African Americans] for the purposes of depopulation." Broder says that the President's use of the term "reproductive health" is code for abortion on demand within health care reform.
Click here for the full article.

Synchronized Stealth: Obama's 'Department of Death with Dignity'!

The current debate over health care is one of those scenarios that might play well in a science-fiction thriller, but must not be allowed to play out on the backs and over the dead bodies of the uninformed. The intent to create a nationalized health-care system appears more and more like a behind-the-scenes project based on government control over who lives and who dies. I might even suggest that nationalized health care's real purpose is to keep feeding the vultures who prey off the culture of death, instead of keeping Americans healthy.
Click here for the full article.

Abortion - more harm than good

A survey shows increased recognition of the harm of abortion.

The poll conducted by Marist College suggests that over half (53%) of the American public believes abortion does a woman more harm than good. Georgette Forney of Silent No More says that is because more hurting women are opening up to loved ones about their abortion experiences.
Click here for the full article.

Pro-lifers protest healthcare reform in DC

Washington, DC, has seen visits from pro-lifers this week.

Protestors are urging Congress to halt passage of the healthcare reform proposals because they use tax dollars to underwrite abortion. One of the demonstrators has been Norma McCorvey, who was "Roe" in the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in the U.S. McCorvey and other pro-lifers visited the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California), but got no further than an aide.
Click here for the full article.

Abortion - more harm than good

A survey shows increased recognition of the harm of abortion.

The poll conducted by Marist College suggests that over half (53%) of the American public believes abortion does a woman more harm than good. Georgette Forney of Silent No More says that is because more hurting women are opening up to loved ones about their abortion experiences.
"We're the norm. We are women who have had abortions and then come to a place -- sometimes the day after, sometimes 20 years later, sometimes 30 years later -- when we realize that we didn't just have an abortion like you have your tonsils out, but that the abortion took the life of our child," she contends.
Click here for the full article.