July 24, 2009



Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

Pence Amendment Fails, House Votes to Increase Tax Dollars for Planned Parenthood

After unexpectedly passing the House Rules committee late yesterday, an amendment introduced by Rep. Mike Pence to strip Planned Parenthood of its taxpayer funding under Health and Human Services "family planning" (or Title X) funds, has failed.

The House of Representatives rejected the Pence Amendment to defund Planned Parenthood by a vote of 183 to 247.

The Labor/Health and Human Services appropriations bill contains $317.5 million for the Title X Family Planning program (a $10 million or 3% increase over 2008 levels), which is a major source of funding for Planned Parenthood affiliates.  Planned Parenthood is the recipient of approximately 23% of Title X Family Planning funds.
Click here for the full article.

Democrat Bill Could Be a Preview of Obama's Abortion Plan

Democrat Reps. Tim Ryan and Rosa DeLauro reintroduced their bill aimed at preventing unintended pregnancies and "reducing the need for abortion" today. This is big news because moderate to liberal faith-based advocates are urging the White House to adopt the bill--the Preventing Unintended Pregnancies, Reducing the Need for Abortion, and Supporting Parents Act--as the core of its forthcoming "common ground" plan on abortion and reproductive health. Conservative religious groups, including the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Southern Baptist Convention, have warned the White House that the Ryan-DeLauro bill is a deal breaker for them, since the bill funds contraception and comprehensive sex education.
Click here for the full article.

Non-Embryonic Stem Cells Pass Major Hurdle in Mice

Two teams of Chinese scientists have made a major advance in mice in the development of a new kind of stem cell that doesn't involve destroying embryos. Those cells are derived from ordinary skin cells, and when they were created two years ago from human skin and genetically reprogrammed, it was hailed as a breakthrough. But questions remained whether they could act as chameleon-like as embryonic stem cells and morph into any cell type in the body.
Click here for the full article.

Abortion Causes Delays in Votes on Tax-funded Abortion in Health Care as Grassroots Mobilize

Amid mass defections among pro-life democrats and a flood of phone calls and e-mails from the folks back home, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced yesterday that he would not schedule a vote on Health Care Reform, which included tax-funded abortion, prior to the August recess.
Meanwhile on the House side, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, an extremist supporter of abortion, vows to pass the health even if she has to hold the House over the summer recess. However some democrats doubt that she has the votes.
Click here for the full article.

We Won't Treat You, But We Will Help You Kill Yourself

In Oregon that is the case.

    Some terminally ill patients in Oregon who turned to their state for health care were denied treatment and offered doctor-assisted suicide instead, a proposal some experts have called a "chilling" corruption of medical ethics.

    Since the spread of his prostate cancer, 53-year-old Randy Stroup of Dexter, Ore., has been in a fight for his life. Uninsured and unable to pay for expensive chemotherapy, he applied to Oregon's state-run health plan for help.

    Lane Individual Practice Association (LIPA), which administers the Oregon Health Plan in Lane County, responded to Stroup's request with a letter saying the state would not cover Stroup's pricey treatment, but would pay for the cost of physician-assisted suicide.

What do we call this, besides immoral?  Oh yeah, health care rationing.  But we won't see any of that in Obamacare will we?  But in Oregon's mind assisted suicide = hospice care.
Click here for the full article.