June 30, 2009



Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

White House Readies Abortion Plan

As the White House readies its plan for finding "common ground" on reproductive health [sic] issues and reducing the need [sic] for abortion, a major debate has emerged over how to package the plan's two major components: preventing unwanted pregnancies and reducing the need for abortion. Many abortion rights [sic] advocates and some Democrats who want to dial down the culture wars want the White House to package the two parts of the plan together, as a single piece of legislation. Rachel Laser, who directs the culture program at the Democrat-leaning think tank Third Way and some prominent abortion rights [sic] supporters are pushing the White House to support the Reducing the Need [sic] for Abortion and Supporting Parents Act, which is expected to be reintroduced by Democrat Reps. Rosa DeLauro and Tim Ryan in coming weeks. The bill attempts to reduce unintended [sic] pregnancies by providing low-income women with better access to contraception and to reduce the need [sic] for abortion by giving women who ask for it information about alternatives to abortion, among other things.
Click here for the full article.

Barack Obama and Margaret Sanger's 'Negro Project'

Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood's so-called "Negro Project" is alive and well as the most pro-abortion candidate in American history promises to not only protect Roe v. Wade but to use the presidency and his judicial appointments to push an even more radical social agenda.
Click here to view the video.

Groups to Make Another Try for 'Personhood' Measure

Two Pro-Life Groups, Colorado Right to Life and Personhood USA, will submit a new "personhood" initiative to the Colorado Legislative Council on Thursday in hopes of getting a measure on the 2010 state ballot. Colorado voters soundly defeated a similar measure, Amendment 48, in the 2008 election. But initiative sponsors say things will be different in 2010 because they will be better-funded and better able to articulate their message and will introduce a measure that's more accurately worded. "The fact that we got over half a million Coloradans to vote for personhood in 2008 shows us that people care about ensuring that all humans are protected under the law," said Gualberto Garcia Jones, director of Personhood Colorado, an arm of the national Denver-based organization Personhood USA.
Click here for the full article.

New Health-Care Conscience-Rights Site
Congress will continue its retooling of the U.S. health-care system when members return from their break next week. Committee votes could come quickly, with full congressional action shortly thereafter.

Family advocates are skeptical of the direction the Obama administration and Congress are taking on health care "reform." President Barack Obama has already taken steps to weaken the conscience rights of health-care providers and advance the abortion industry's agenda by overturning key Bush administration policies.
Click here for the full article.

Pro-Life Youth to Picket Office of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

Youth activists will demand that not penny of taxpayer funds be used to pay for abortions while teachers and community services are being cut in California due to budget concerns.
The demonstration will take place on Tuesday, June 30 at 11:00 A.M.
The location will be at 300 South Spring St., Los Angeles
The 65 youth activists will be carrying large signs and banners.
This event kicks off a national campaign by Survivors called "Teachers not Abortions."
Click here for the full article.

PETA's lack of tact

Recently, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a VA-based animal rights activism organization, proposed that 2 billboards promoting vegetarianism be erected in Wichita, KS, in the wake of the late Dr. George Tiller's death. Tiller, an extreme late-term abortionist, was shot to death May 31 while working as an usher at his church in Wichita.

The Wichita Eagle reported the explanation by PETA's campaign manager Lindsay Rajt...

    While our hearts go out to the family and friends of George Tiller, we are hoping that these billboards will make those who are rightly shocked by his murder sit up and realize that behind closed doors, millions of animals are suffering every day, and that we as individuals can help to reduce the amount of violence and suffering in the world.

Rajt's insulting proposal, which allegedly attempts to equate the manufacturing of beef burgers and animal-tested cosmetics with the tragic loss of human life, was not well-received by the Wichita community.
Click here for the full article.