May 18, 2009


Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

Keep Taxpayer Money from Funding Abortions in D.C.
President Barack Obama is urging the House and Senate to repeal a law that has prevented taxpayer-funded abortions in the District of Columbia. The law – the Dornan Amendment – has prevented tax-funded abortions in D.C. for several years.

"If Congress goes along with the Obama proposal, the predictable result will be tax funding of several thousand elective abortions annually, including roughly 1,000 abortions annually that would not otherwise occur," said Douglas Johnson, legislative director for the National Right to Life Committee. "Any member of Congress who votes for a bill that contains the White House proposal is, in reality, voting for tax-funded abortion on demand with congressionally appropriated funds."
Click here for the full article.

Germany to Require Three-Day Wait for Late Term Abortions

The German parliament has voted to require a three-day waiting period before doctors authorize abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy.

The measure includes providing for more consultations and support for families with handicapped children who are considering abortion, the news service Deutsche Welle reported today.

The law will require women to receive counseling from a doctor about the medical and psychological consequences of a late-term abortion. Patients living with physically or mentally disabled children will be offered other means of support.
Click here for the full article.

GOP Letter To Obama Urges 'Common Ground' On Health Reform, Restrictions On Abortion Funding

House Republicans on Wednesday sent President Obama a letter urging "open and constructive dialogue across party lines" on health care reform and calling on him to maintain current restrictions on federal funding of abortion services, Politico reports. The letter, signed by House Minority Leader John Boehner (Ohio), House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (Va.), House Republican Conference Chair Mike Pence (Ind.) and six other Republican House members, outlines the Republicans' positions on health care reform. It says achieving those objectives "can be accomplished through health reform that maintains current law provisions regarding restrictions on federal funding of abortion services, restricts federal funds from flowing to abortion providers and does not impose mandates either on insurance carriers or medical providers to participate in activities that violate their religious and moral beliefs."

The letter says that Republicans have several "areas for potential common ground on health care reform." In all, it mentions the phrase "common ground" four times in eight paragraphs.
Click here for the full article.

Girl Scouts exposed: Communists, radical feminists cited as role models for troops

When many parents think of Girl Scouts, they imagine young girls in uniform selling Thin Mints and Tagalong cookies – not learning about stone labyrinths, world peace, global warming, yoga, avatars, smudging incense, Zen gardens and feminist, communist and lesbian role models.

But that's exactly what many of 2.7 million Girl Scouts will learn about with a new curriculum called "Journeys" released last year.
Click here for the full article.

Top Republican Says No "Litmus Test" for Abortion in Supreme Court Nominee

Sen. Jeff Sessions, the new top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, has said that he would not necessarily oppose a "pro-choice" or openly homosexual Supreme Court nominee.

As anticipation grows over whom President Obama will choose to replace Supreme Court Justice David Souter, who retires in June, Sen. Sessions (R-Ala.) has said repeatedly that he would not resort to "litmus tests" of abortion advocacy or sexual orientation in vetting a nominee.  Instead, Sessions said, he would weigh the candidate's fidelity to interpreting established law rather than creating it.

As the Judiciary Committee minority leader, Sessions has the most weight among GOP senators in determining who fills the Supreme Court bench.
Click here for the full article.