April 14, 2009

Georgetown University Follows Notre Dame

On Tuesday, April 14, from 10:30 a.m. to the end of Mr. Obama's speech, DC area Pro-life leaders and activists will protest at the entrance to Georgetown University at 37th and O Street. Their presence is to denounce Georgetown, who invited President Obama to speak, knowing the scandal and outrage surrounding his scheduled speech at Notre Dame on May 17.
Randall Terry, Operation Rescue Founder, and Missy Smith, Director of WAKEUP!, will lead the protest.
Randall Terry states:
"The University has deliberately poked its finger in the eye of the Bishops and faithful Catholics who have condemned President Obama's appearance at Notre Dame.
"But far worse – they have cast aside the unborn who will perish under President Obama's policies. They have put prestige ahead of life.
"Georgetown's attitude seems to be: Germany's leaders built great roads in the 1930s, they helped save the banks, and they rebuilt the economy. Let's focus on their economy – not that whole genocide thing.
"Mr. Obama is spending our money to promote child-killing in Africa and forced abortion in China; he is changing the conscience regulations for health workers, so that Catholic hospitals must refer for abortion, or dispense abortifacients; he has unleashed our money to pay for the creation and destruction of innocent human embryos. This sudden invite is as wicked as it is sneaky.
"Georgetown's actions are an affront to faithful Catholics, and to the innocent we are charged to defend."

Joseph Landry
Source: StopObamaNotredame.com
Publish Date: April 13, 2009
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