February 10, 2009

"Volition" Now Being Sold on DVD

Pro-Life Short Film "Volition" Now Being Sold on DVD

(Click here to watch "Volition" online)

"Volition," the moving pro-life short film created by brothers Tim (23) and Matthew (21) Morgan, is now for sale on DVD. (Click here to purchase Volition)

Volition came into being after the Morgan brothers were selected as finalists in The Doorpost film competition, and were given a budget of nearly $18 thousand to make a film of their choice. The film has been viewed nearly 50,000 times online at The Doorpost website, and, due to its popularity, is now being made available for purchase.

The DVD includes behind the scenes footage, production stills, and the original short film that got the Morgans selected as finalists in The Doorpost film competition.

In an interview with LifeSiteNews.com Tim Morgan, who wrote and directed the film, recounted how the inspiration for the film came to him.

Morgan told LSN that for most of his life, while he had always been "pro-life," he had never given much thought to the issue - that is, until last year when he attended the massive prayer rally, "The Call." "That's when it really hit me, hit my heart," he says, "that there is a need for just some sort of voice in the arts, in the entertainment world, in defense of these unborn babies."

Following his experience at The Call, Morgan came up with the idea for Volition, and wrote the script. But, despite his best efforts to find an investor to finance the film, he was met without success, until he received an unexpected call from The Doorpost telling him that he had been selected as a finalist.

"It was like a door opening out of nowhere," Tim says. "All of a sudden I have this budget for a movie I've been looking to get the budget for."

Volition places its central character, who goes unnamed, in the historical contexts of what the filmmakers clearly believe to be three of the greatest human rights violations in history: the holocaust, slavery, and abortion.

In each of the vignettes the protagonist is placed in a position of some authority, with the promise of more to come, and in each he is forced to the breaking point, where he must either become complicit with the evils of the age, or stand up and make a choice to oppose it. While the viewer is not shown the protagonist's ultimate choice in Nazi Germany or in the American South, the film movingly depicts his choice in regard to the third - abortion.

The film's webpage at The Doorpost is full of the praise of those who have watched the film and been moved by its beautiful and poignant treatment of the difficult subject.

"Having had an abortion pre-Roe v. Wade and having fell for the 'blob of tissue' lie, I am profoundly impressed by the truth of this film. In a technically brilliant way, the Morgan brothers have produced a profound film," wrote one viewer.

Another wrote, "As a post abortive woman that regrets 'my choice', I am sending this link to my address group. This film needs to be shown in Church's, pregnancy centers as schools. Young people must understand that killing our unborn children must stop. Women and men that abort their children lock ourselves in the 'abortion prison,' but Jesus Christ has the key and will unlock those jail cell doors, just ask. Thank you!"

"Likely one of the most powerful movies I have seen to date," wrote another.

John Jalsevac
Source: LifeSiteNews.com
Source URL: http://www.lifesitenews.com
Publish Date: February 9, 2009
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