February 19, 2009

Pro-lifers take Personhood Amendment Cross-Country

Pro-lifers take personhood amendment cross-country

Campaign workers are touring states drumming up support for the amendment. One of them is pro-lifer Cal Zastrow, chairman of Michigan Citizens for Life, who explains the effort. "It amends the state constitution to define the word 'person' or 'persons' as a human being at the moment of fertilization or their biological beginning," he notes.
Cal Zastrow (Mich. Citizens for Life) It is similar to the proposed constitutional amendment in Colorado that captured only about one-fourth of the vote in November. Zastrow was asked why, in light of that defeat, a national campaign for the amendment was launched.
"Because it raises the pro-life tide and it gets the vision to not quit until every baby is protected by law and love," he contends. "And you're right, we didn't win the World Series every time we swung the bat -- but we're going to keep swinging the bat and keep going until we have won the World Series."

Pro-life measures did not fare well in November, losing in practically every case. But pro-life advocates across America have vowed to continue their fight to protect the unborn.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Source URL: http://www.OneNewsNow.com
Publish Date: February 19, 2009
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