February 11, 2009



Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

School Forces Twelve-Year-Old to Take Pregnancy Test - Lawsuit Filed

A lawsuit has been filed against the Nevada City School District after a counselor forced a student to take a pregnancy test at school without her parents' knowledge or consent.

In late March, 2008, Steve Davis, a counselor at Seven Hills Middle School, allegedly pulled the student, C.R., (whose name is being kept confidential) out of class. Mr. Davis had heard rumors spread by another student that C.R. was pregnant and demanded to know whether it was true. C.R. denied she was pregnant and noted that false rumors had been spread about her in the past.

Instead of accepting C.R.'s denial, or contacting her parents, the counselor got a pregnancy test from the school nurse and ordered C.R. into a bathroom to give a urine sample. Feeling that she did not have a choice, C.R. reluctantly complied. The test was negative.

C.R. has said that she was embarrassed and humiliated by the experience. When she later told her parents about the incident, they were livid. Even after the fact, the school never communicated with C.R.'s parents about the pregnancy test.

Partial Birth Abortion Ban at Arkansas Capitol

A bill titled the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act passed a House committee on Tuesday. Representative Dawn Creekmore introduced the bill which describes a partial birth abortion as Purposely vaginally delivers a "living human fetus" until, in the case of a head first presentation, the entire fetal head is outside the body of the female or, in the case of breech presentation, any part of the fetal trunk past the navel is outside the body of the female, for the purpose of performing an overt act that the person knows will kill the partially delivered living human fetus. Creekmore told the committee although a federal ban is in place, she wants it in Arkansas law in the event Congress overturns the ban.

Condom Week Promotes Abortion

Planned Parenthood will use St. Valentine's Day to push contraceptive and abortion sales with its National Condom Week. "Half of all pregnancies in the U.S. are unintended and half of those happen because of failed contraception," said Marie Hahnenberg, a researcher for American Life League. "Planned Parenthood is once again pushing sex on our kids with this condom promotion." Beginning Feb. 14, Planned Parenthoods across the country are offering condom e-cards, condom coasters, and condom-inspired drag shows among other ways to promote sale of its products.

A Resurgence of Eugenics?

As the world moves further into economic chaos, eugenics, an old idea cloaked under modern terminology, is making a comeback. During these times it is easy to see how a resurgence and re-packaging of eugenics could come about. Do you have more than two children? Your carbon footprint has been deemed unacceptable. Your economic burden on society cannot be tolerated during unprecedented economic times. The growing population of elderly individuals will be an incredible burden on a faltering system, we are told. Some governmental think tanks see younger generations pursuing euthanasia policies as an option.

Genetic Mapping of Babies By 2019 Will Transform Preventive Medicine

Every baby born a decade from now will have its genetic code mapped at birth, the head of the world's leading genome sequencing company has predicted. A complete DNA read-out for every newborn will be technically feasible and affordable in less than five years, promising a revolution in healthcare, says Jay Flatley, the chief executive of Illumina. Only social and legal issues are likely to delay the era of "genome sequences", or genetic profiles, for all. By 2019 it will have become routine to map infants' genes when they are born, Dr Flatley told The Times.

Italian Prime Minister Accuses President of 'Killing' Coma Woman Eluana Englaro

Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian Prime Minister, today dramatically accused his country's president of being partly responsible for killing a young woman whose feeding tubes were withdrawn after she spend 17 years in a coma. Doctors stopped feeding Eluana Englaro, 38 on Friday at her family's request, in line with a ruling by Italy's Supreme Court, and she died yesterday. Mr Berlusconi said this amounted to euthanasia, which is illegal in Italy, and blamed Italy's leftist President Giorgio Napolitano for rejecting an emergency decree intended to force doctors to resume feeding her.

Abortion and Orwell

"War Is Peace." "Freedom is Slavery." "Ignorance is Strength." These slogans are spoken in Newspeak, the fictional language of George Orwell's twisted utopia in 1984. By removing meaning from words and increasing state control over speech-and thought-Newspeak is designed to manipulate those who hear it. In California, Newspeak is now spoken fluently by those who seek to advance a political agenda in healthcare by avoiding scrutiny. Under the guise of "access to primary care," the Regents of the University of California have been conducting an experiment on women in Concord, Los Angeles and San Diego. Exploiting a pilot project program enacted in 1973 to address a gerontology workforce shortage, Healthcare Workforce Pilot Project (HWPP) #171 allows women seeking medical care to become subjects of social research. The purpose of this experiment? "Demonstrate the role of advanced practice clinicians in expanding early pregnancy care." That's Orwellian for "training non-physicians to perform first trimester abortions."