February 10, 2009



Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

Court of Appeal Throws Out Evidence Due to Police Misconduct

The Life Legal Defense Foundation is pleased to announce that the Superior Court of San Bernardino, Appellate Division, has granted their appeal in the matter of People v. Cox, ACRAS 800100.  The appellate ruling reverses the trial court's decision denying the defense's motion to suppress evidence.  In a unanimous decision, the appellate court has ordered that the Chaffey College Campus Police had no lawful reason to detain and search Mr. Cox.  Executive Director of the Life Legal Defense Foundation, Dana Cody, commented on the appellate court's decision stating, "The judges are to be commended for following the law and denouncing the police misconduct."

The charges against Mr. Cox stem from a visit to Chaffey College back on November 13, 2007.  Mr. Cox, along with other members of the Survivor's Campus Life Team, went to Chaffey College to peacefully exercise their free speech rights by holding signs and handing out literature on the public college campus.  The pro-life demonstrators were told that all eight of them, including their signs and literature tables, were restricted to an area on campus too small to even contain the group and were required to remain there in order to stay to on campus.  When Mr. Cox went into the police station to ask who issued this unconstitutional demand, he was escorted behind locked doors, shoved against a wall, handcuffed, and searched by three campus police officers.  During the search, the police discovered a digital recorder in Mr. Cox's pocket.  They immediately tried to delete the recording, knowing that it contained evidence of their illegal actions.

Christian Defense Coalition Calls Upon President Obama to Remove Governor Sebelius as a Top Contender for HHS Secretary

Governor Sebelius' radical stance on abortion makes her too extreme to oversee America's health, medical and social services.
With her close ties to late-term abortionist George Tiller and her veto of a Kansas bill that would have reduced late-term and coerced abortions, the Kansas Governor has shown she is outside of the mainstream concerning abortion.
Her views on abortion are so extreme that Kansas City Catholic Archbishop, Joseph Naumann, called on her not to receive communion at her church.

Pro-Life Event at St. Mary's U Told to Disband after Protesters Disrupt

When pro-abortion protesters descended upon a pro-life presentation at St. Mary's University (SMU) in Halifax, Nova Scotia, disrupting the event with chants and yells, the pro-life presenter was astonished that a SMU administration representative, rather than stopping the pro-abortion group, ordered the pro-life presentation to end.

Jose Ruba, co-founder of the pro-life Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform and former executive director of the National Campus Life Network, visited SMU Thursday evening as part of a speaking tour to campuses across Canada.  The nascent Students for Life club furnished a room for the presentation, entitled "Echoes of the Holocaust," through the chaplaincy.

Less than a minute into his speech, however, a group of men and woman entered the room and began loudly chanting, "Not the church, not the state, women must decide their fate!" Ruba asked the protesters to save their objections until after his talk, but was drowned out by chants of, "Pro-life men have got to go, when you get pregnant let us know!" and, "No hate speech in our school!"

Tony Blair Being Plugged by Nicolas Sarkozy for President of Europe

A report by the UK Daily Mail has revealed that a senior aid to French President Nicolas Sarkozy told a private gathering of senior British and French politicians that Sarkozy intends to promote Tony Blair for the yet-to-be-established job of President of Europe.

The statement by Alain Minc, a member of Sarkozy's inner circle of advisors, was made at a meeting last month of the Franco-British Colloque, a group of influential British and French politicians and businessmen.

Mr. Minc told the gathering, attended by French Prime Minister Francois Fillon: "When the Lisbon Treaty is ratified, Europe will move into a new phase. Europe will need a strong leader and Nicolas Sarkozy will nominate Tony Blair for the position," according to the Mail report.

Tony Blair, the former U.K. prime minister, is well known to pro-life and pro-family activists as one of the most anti-life and anti-family political leaders in the world.

Democrats Take a Go-Slow Approach on Abortion Law

Abortion foes are bracing to fight major changes. But the majority party doesn't seem eager to pursue an expansive agenda that would include codifying the right established by Roe vs. Wade. When Barack Obama campaigned for president, he promised to enact legislation to prohibit the states from limiting the right to abortion. Now that he is in the White House and Democratic majorities are ensconced in Congress, opponents of abortion rights are bracing for that and other major changes to abortion laws. But there are indications that what those groups dread most and some liberal voters eagerly anticipate as the rewards of victory may not come to pass -- at least not yet. Democrats on Capitol Hill say that although they are committed to reversing several Bush administration policies on abortion rights and family planning, they may hold off on pursuing the kind of expansive agenda feared by social conservatives. Significant numbers of moderate Democrats, particularly in the House, oppose abortion or are not in favor of sweeping changes, preferring a more incremental approach.