February 3, 2009



Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

Devil Influences Abortion Industry

An exorcist authorized to perform exorcisms in several dioceses spoke at a religious ministry luncheon on Sunday, explaining the basics of exorcism and its connection with abortion. Fr. Thomas Euteneuer, president of Human Life International and an exorcist, spoke at a luncheon hosted by In His Sign Network (IHS). He is an exorcist authorized to perform exorcisms in several states, and highlighted the connection between the abortion industry and demonic influence. "Abortion is a demonic industry," he told The Bulletin. "Abortion is blood sacrifice of innocent blood to the devil. The clinics are like temples, the doctors are like priests, the medical table is like their altar. It's a ritualized sacrifice. They have a dogma called choice, a hierarchy called Planned Parenthood, and guardian angels in the form of police guards that will arrest you if you try to stop them."

FDA To Approve Genetically Engineered Animals; Treat Them As Corporate Intellectual Property

The FDA has adopted new rules allowing companies to sell genetically modified animals and their products on the market, and affirming that the DNA of such animals is private property that can be held under patent. To be approved, any genetically modified animal product must be proven to the FDA's satisfaction to be safe for human use in a process similar to that undergone by new drugs. Clinical trials like those needed for drugs will not be required, however. The FDA must also show that any genetically modified animal is healthy. No FDA approval will be required for cloned animals or those intended only for research or as pets.

Ramping Up Murder of Children

It was no surprise to those who did their election homework that Barack Obama rescinded Ronald Reagan's Mexico City Policy his first week as president. The Mexico City Policy was Reagan's ban on U.S. funding of abortion internationally. Both Bush presidents continued the ban. Obama's nix will require you and I to pay for abortions and sterilizations on people around the world — many forced by tolitarian governments.

Obama's Decision on Overseas Abortion Funding Rated Least Popular

A new poll shows a majority of Americans disapprove of President Barack Obama's decision to repeal a ban on federal funding for groups that promote or provide abortions overseas.
A Gallup poll released on Monday measured how Americans feel about seven specific actions that Obama has taken so far in his presidency. The action that scored the lowest was his decision to repeal the Mexico City Policy, with only 35 percent approval. Approval was even lower among Republicans - eight percent.

Pro-Abortion Marie Stopes Eager for American Funds to Promote Abortion in Kenya

The leader of the Kenyan division of Marie Stopes, one of the worlds largest abortion providers, has told an AP reporter that he is eager to receive American funds now that President Obama has rescinded the Mexico City Policy.

"Family planning was not given the prominence it needs" when the policy was still in effect, said director Dr. Walter Odhiambo in an AP report. 

The Mexico City Policy is a Reagan-era directive that prohibits pro-abortion overseas organizations from receiving American taxpayer dollars.  Obama repealed the policy three days after his inauguration, making hundreds of millions in foreign aid money available to such groups.