February 12, 2009

Glamour Mag Abortion Stories Point to Need for More Recovery Groups

Care Net: Glamour Mag Abortion Stories Point to Need for More Recovery Groups

In its March issue, Glamour magazine explores the real life stories of women who have had an abortion. Care Net President Melinda Delahoyde thanked the magazine for giving voice to women whose abortion was a traumatic experience and has caused them emotional pain. However, she called on Glamour to do more to point their readers to the healing found through a post-abortion recovery group. Sadly, only one of the women featured in the article found such help, and no information was provided for readers about where to find it. That woman, Lisa Gaylord, now leads the recovery group at Hopeline Pregnancy Resource Center, a Care Net center in Danbury, Connecticut. Click here to read Lisa's full story.

"All too often, magazines like Glamour will shy away from publishing women's raw abortion stories," Delahoyde said. "By allowing some women to share about the 'emotional hell' they have gone through, this issue treats the abortion experience more honestly. However, it does a poor job of presenting a balanced viewpoint about where to find healing. The only resources Glamour refers readers to are those offered by abortion advocates."

Delahoyde leads a national network of Care Net pregnancy centers - a majority of which offer post-abortion recovery groups. Real healing happens in these groups when individuals are free to acknowledge and grieve the loss of their unborn child and receive the forgiveness of Jesus Christ. In 2007, more than 10,700 women and men participated in post-abortion programs at Care Net's 1,100 affiliated pregnancy centers.

Many of these recovery groups lead participants through a bible study called "Forgiven and Set Free" (link) written by Linda Cochrane, R.N., who is also the executive director of Hopeline Pregnancy Resource Center. "For twenty-five years Care Net centers have quietly and compassionately helped tens of thousands of women and men find healing after abortion," said Cochrane. "Hopefully more women and men will search for and find true peace after their abortion experience because of Glamour's acknowledgement of this 'serious health decision.'"

Delahoyde encouraged those who have experienced post-abortion healing through the "Forgiven and Set Free" bible study or another similar program to share their story with others on Glamour's website (link). To find a local recovery group near you or to learn more, call 1-800-395-HELP or visit www.optionline.org and click on "After Abortion".

Kristin Hansen
Source: Care Net
Source URL: http://www.care-net.org
Publish Date: February 11, 2009
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