February 11, 2009

Forced Abortion, Rape Victim Comes Forward

Forced Abortion, Rape Victim Comes Forward After Abortionist Given Probation

Investigation reveals illegal record dumping was not isolated problem with Hodari clinics. List of injured abortion patients, including four abortion-related deaths, spans decades.

Outraged by what she considers a meaningless sentence and remarks by an attorney, that she says are insulting and untrue, a former patient of Womancare has come forward to tell of her horrific abortion experience with owner, abortionist Alberto Hodari.

Jennifer McCoy's hair-raising account of a forced abortion and the non-reporting of child sexual abuse that allowed her rapist to continue abusing her is part of an investigative report about Hodari's legal problems released today by Operation Rescue.  (Click here to read.)

Womancare, Inc., a Detroit area abortion clinic chain owned by Alberto Hodari, was given six months probation on one count of illegally disposing of abortion records last week.  Eleven other counts have been dismissed.  Womancare was charged after Citizen's for a Pro-Life Society discovered abortion records along with the remains of aborted babies that had been illegally dumped in the clinic's trash. The Health Department chose not to pursue charges for the illegal disposal of human remains.

After the sentencing, Hodari's attorney, Victor Norris, told the press that Hodari had "never had any licensing violations or criminal allegations."

Operation Rescue's report tells a very different story.  It reveals that Hodari has a record of a whopping 49 documented lawsuits, including four abortion-related deaths.

McCoy has told her story hoping that Hodari will be exposed and that his reign of terror over women will come to an end.

"How this man still has a medical license is beyond me. Hodari is a danger to the public and needs to be stopped," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "In six months, Hodari will have to go before the court again for a final disposition of the illegal disposal of abortion records case. If Hodari's attorney told the judge that the clinic has never had any problems, the judge-and the public-needs to hear the truth.

"Thank God for courageous women like Jennifer McCoy who are willing to speak out in spite of their pain about this dreadful injustice," said Newman. "We pray that the truth comes out and that proper justice will be done before Hodari's body count gets any higher."

Click to read Operation Rescue's full report.

Troy Newman and Cheryl Sullenger
Source: Operation Rescue
Source URL: http://www.operationrescue.org
Publish Date: February 11, 2009
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