February 19, 2009

African-Americans in the Crosshairs

African-Americans in the Crosshairs

February is Black History Month, and we are reminded of the many African-Americans who have made remarkable contributions to our great country. Sadly, I am reminded also of the huge number of African-American babies aborted every day in the United States snuffing out enormous future potential from this community. Adding insult to injury, evidence has surfaced over the last few months concerning anti-African-American attitudes in the abortion industry.

I refer to the explosive news regarding racist behavior by employees of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. A student reporter at UCLA who did some investigative journalism released some shocking recordings showing that the eugenic and racial origins of Planned Parenthood are evident in the work of the organization even today.

It has long been known-but largely unreported--that Margaret Sanger (the founder of Planned Parenthood) advocated population control and birth prevention among the "unfit" from the beginning of her public work. As early as 1915, Sanger's first handbook entitled, What Every Boy and Girl Should Know, discussed the vicious cycle of ignorance breeding poverty and poverty breeding ignorance. Sanger's solution to this problem was to prevent the birth of children who would not have an inheritance of health or intelligence and whose parents could not provide for them. This philosophy resulted in the creation of Sanger's Negro Project in 1939-a program aimed at restricting reproduction among the African-American population.

Fast forward to February 2008, when Lila Rose, the UCLA student mentioned above, and a friend called Planned Parenthood clinics in seven states. The friend played the role of a blatantly racist man inquiring as to whether the organization would take his donation if it was earmarked specifically for the abortion of an African-American baby. The caller explained that he didn't want his son's chances of being accepted to college lessened due to affirmative action.

The recorded calls to Planned Parenthood involve conversations between the would-be racist customer and several employees. The employee at Ohio Planned Parenthood told the caller that, "For whatever reason we'll accept the donation." The Director of Development at Planned Parenthood of Idaho, Autumn Kersey, was told that the caller wanted his donation directed toward an African-American because, "We just think the less black kids out there the better." Autumn's response was laughter followed by the comment, "Understandable, understandable." Seven clinics were contacted, and Planned Parenthood went 7 for 7 in accepting donations specifically targeted for the abortion of African-American babies.

Abortion is the leading cause of death in the African-American community, and Planned Parenthood has had significant impact on the astronomical decline in the birth rate of this group of people. According to Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, Jr., abortion is the primary agenda of groups like Planned Parenthood in the African-American communities. They also offer birth control and some health services, but the emphasis is on abortion for these particular parents. The organization operates a disproportionately high number of facilities in metropolitan areas with high African-American populations. Since 1973 abortion has taken the lives of about 14 million African-American babies, nearly 1450 every day in this country. Approximately 35% of all abortions in the U.S. are performed on African-American women, while they represent only 13% of the female population of the country.

The exposure of these actions by Planned Parenthood employees reminds us again how seriously divisive this hateful behavior is. The conduct of Planned Parenthood should fuel a revolt to end taxpayer funding of this organization. The decimation of the African-American community should ignite a movement aimed at stopping the eradication of an entire generation of children by removing African-Americans from the crosshairs of the Planned Parenthood abortionists.

Contact: Sherry Crater
Source: Family Research Council Blog
Source URL: http://www.frcblog.com
Publish Date: February 19, 2009
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