February 9, 2009

Abortion's other victims

Abortion's other victims

"In recent years, there were more than 16,000 homicides in the United States. Drunk drivers killed 17,000 innocent victims. All forms of cancer took half a million lives – nearly 1,500 a day. And yet the most prolific killer of our time remains an ugly secret, cloaked in darkness. It takes over one million lives each year, nearly 3,000 each day. And for each life taken, there can be overwhelming collateral damage."

These are the opening lines of a DVD documentary titled Beyond the Dark Valley, co-produced by The Justice Foundation (TJF) as part of its Operation Outcry project. TJF is a non-profit litigation firm "founded in 1993 to protect the fundamental freedoms and rights essential to the preservation of American society."

The American Family Association (AFA) has partnered with TJF to help bring hope and healing to men, women and families damaged by abortion. "We believe in what The Justice Foundation is doing through this project, and we're honored to support it," said Tim Wildmon, president of AFA.

According to Tracy Reynolds, producer of the documentary's parent series, Faces of Abortion, "This compelling program tells three stories of women and men who have been harmed by abortion, includes medical and scientific evidence and encourages anyone who is hurting to call the National Helpline for Abortion Recovery and receive hope and healing through a program in their area."

Beyond the Dark Valley is co-hosted by Olympic swimmer Josh Davis and post-abortive mother Molly White who take viewers on an informative journey from death to life while correcting common myths about abortion. Real-life experiences reveal the reality of abortion and how its consequences affect more than just the woman and child.

Although the damage is deep and dark, the future can be bright for those who are forgiven and set free by Christ.

A voice of change

One of the key components for recovery is for victims to admit they have been hurt by abortion. Speaking out is also beneficial to others in similar situations as well as to government officials, activists and lobbyists who are seeking to put an end to abortion by overturning Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion on demand in 1973.

That's why Beyond the Dark Valley asks men and women who have experienced abortion first hand to go to OperationOutcry.org and publicly share their stories of devastation and heartache by filling out a declarations form, a document that is legally admissible as testimony in a federal court of law. The forms will be sent to the U.S. Supreme Court to prove abortion does hurt and causes grave consequences. Operation Outcry's goal is to collect one million declarations as legally permissive evidence for the basis of future rulings.
A tool and a ministry

Beyond the Dark Valley was created from stories shared on Faces of Abortion, a television series from TJF that airs weekly on Sky Angel, Dish Network, Angel 1 and 2, CNL Television and is also streamed at AFA.net.

"Faces of Abortion is the only television program that tells powerful stories of women and men who have been harmed by abortion," Reynolds explained.

It, too, offers them prayer, hope and healing as well as referring viewers to the National Helpline for Abortion Recovery (1-866-482-LIFE) where women and men who have personally experienced abortion listen to callers, pray with them and refer them to a local abortion recovery program. "The National Helpline has received thousands of calls as a result of this program," Reynolds said.

Faces of Abortion is in its fifth season and is impacting not only its viewers, but also those behind the series, hosted by Cindy Collins and directed and co-produced by KPLE TV in Killeen, Texas.

"Women and men travel to Killeen from all over the country to appear on this program, and they always experience even more healing and a chance to share with others who have been through the same experience," Reynolds explained.

"It is an amazing experience to be on the set," Reynolds added. For example, Catherine Mason, the 82-year-old owner of KPLE, has given generously to the program, including providing homemade lunches during filming.

"This program is an educational tool, but it is also a ministry," Reynolds said. "Everyone involved in the production has had their hearts touched by the stories." And viewers are finding the same to be true in their own lives.

Contact: Rebecca Grace
Source: OneNewsNow
Source URL: http://www.onenewsnow.com
Publish Date: February 6, 2009
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