January 16, 2009

‘Miracle of Life’ Released

Pro-life mini-movie 'Miracle of Life' released

A new pro-life mini-movie showing the stages of development in an unborn child has been released by Catholic Media House.

The mini-movie, titled "The Miracle of Life," asks the questions "When does Life Begin?" and "Do you know about the miracle of life?"

The movie also uses high-quality photographs of unborn life and ultrasound videos to humanize the unborn.

Using text captions, the movie explains how at conception, a baby's physical traits such as sex, eye color, and hair color have already been determined. It adds that a baby's heart starts to beat only 22 days after conception, "before most women even know they're pregnant."

Speaking of an unborn child, it says "by the 11th week, she can smile and frown, wiggle her fingers and toes, and even suck her thumb."

The mini-movie then shows an ultrasound of an unborn child sucking her thumb, explaining that the child shows a clear preference for either its right or left thumb.

At 13 weeks, the video says, a baby's ears start picking up vibrations and begins to be comforted by her mother's heartbeat.

The video then appeals to Scripture, saying the Bible teaches us "God is the Creator of life." It then quotes the Book of Jeremiah and the Psalms.

"Children are a blessing from God," the video concludes. "Choose life."

The West Hollywood-based Catholic Media House on its website says it wants to help efforts in the "New Evangelization" by providing "modern media resources to help convey the gospel and the hope it contains."

"We strive to provide you with Catholic Christian resources faithful to the Holy Father and the Magisterium of the Church," its self-description reads. "With these resources bishops, pastors, priests, deacons, religious brothers and sisters, catechists, youth directors, and teachers/instructors of all varieties are now able use media in a positive way to re-evangelize the baptized, disciple and mobilize them for evangelization and to be a blessing."

Catholic Media House's web site explains that its materials are intended to be used in Bible studies, retreats, camps, youth and children's ministry, RCIA, faith formation, rallies, or other special events outside Mass.

Source: Catholic News Agency
Source URL: http://www.catholicnewsagency.com
Publish Date: January 15, 2009
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