January 27, 2009



Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

Legislation to Reverse Human Embryonic Stem Cell Ban Vowed by U.S. Lawmaker

U.S. Representative Diana DeGette said she plans to re-introduce a bill overturning limits on federal funding for stem-cell research even if President Barack Obama lifts the ban by executive order. Former President George W. Bush, citing ethical concerns, barred federal support for researchers studying embryonic stem cells created after August 2001. He twice vetoed legislation, co- written by DeGette and approved by Congress, overturning the ban.

Octuplets Born 'Screaming and Kicking' in Calif.

A woman gave birth to eight babies in Southern California on Monday, the world's second live-born set of octuplets. The mother, who was not identified, gave birth to six boys and two girls weighing between 1 pound, 8 ounces and 3 pounds, 4 ounces, doctors at Kaiser Permanante Bellflower Medical Center told The Associated Press. The hospital had scheduled a Caesarean section for seven babies, but doctors were surprised by the eighth.

Undercover activist awarded for pro-life work

The Gerard Health Foundation has awarded $600,000 in prizes to six individuals for their work in the pro-life movement.

Lila RoseOne such recipient of the Life Prizes award is college student Lila Rose, president of Live Action, who had this response.
"Well, I was very surprised to hear I had been chosen as there are many others that have done such wonderful work alongside me in the pro-life movement, but it's definitely an honor," she notes, "and I'm very thankful to the Gerard Foundation and Mr. [Raymond] Ruddy for the generous gift so I can use it to continue to keep up the pro-life activism and the pro-life work."
Rose is well-known for her undercover work in exposing illegal practices at abortion clinics. "I pose as young as a 13-year-old girl in need of help, pregnant by a much older man," she explains. "And we've done other investigations like this to illustrate the abuses and the lawlessness that goes on inside these clinics regularly."

Republicans in Arizona OK Abortion Regulations

The House Health and Human Services Committee on Wednesday approved a bill dealing with a controversial type of abortion procedure. House Bill 2400 would make it illegal for a doctor to perform the procedure, known medically as intact dilation and extraction, unless it is necessary to prevent a woman's death or disability. It also would establish a maximum prison term of two years for those found guilty of performing the procedure. Advocates and Republican lawmakers have said they hope Republican Jan Brewer's rise to the Governor's Office will mean a better chance for legislation aimed at restricting abortion.

Kansas Republicans Sponsor Abortion Regulations

TOPEKA, Kan. -- A bill introduced today in the House with the support of 38 co-sponsors would require a woman be given information about obtaining a sonogram image of the baby at least 24 hours prior to an abortion. Rep. Lance Kinzer, R-Olathe, said the legislation "promotes a woman's physical and psychological health and advances the state's important and legitimate interest in protecting fetal life [sic]." In addition to a mandate that abortion clinics provide a list of free sonogram locations, the bill says that 30 minutes prior to an abortion the woman must be offered the opportunity to see and get a copy of the sonogram image and to hear her baby's heartbeat.